Postgraduate entry requirements for students from Canada.
You must have graduated from a recognised Canadian university and have successfully completed at least four years of study, or at least three years of study in Quebec.
Entry requirements will vary, depending on the intended programme of study.
Minimum entry requirements are 3.25 on a 4.0 GPA scale, 7.0 on a 9.0 GPA system or a lettered grade of B+ overall.
PhD Programmes
If you have a Canadian Master's degree you may be considered for PhD study.
Application to PhD study typically requires a masters degree in a related or relevant subject, and a research proposal.
However, entry requirements vary by programme, and you should check the detailed entry requirements are listed under each programme on the Degree Finder.
How to write a research proposal
Graduate Entry to Medicine (MBChB)
Applicants with an undergraduate degree in a relevant discipline will be considered for the 6-year programme.
You will need to have a minimum GPA of 3.25/77%/B+ from a 4-year undergraduate degree, preferably with a pre/medical related major (e.g. biomedical sciences/medical sciences/nursing/paramedic science). We will also consider other science majors and non-science majors with the same GPA. If you have not undertaken a science major you must have grade 12 Chemistry within your high school diploma at over 75%.
Applicants must also take the UCAT.
There are well defined routes for graduates of UK Medical degree to registration in Canada.
Refer to the British Medical Association website for full information:
British Medical Association - advice on using your degree to work abroad
Further guidance on academic entry requirements
You can also obtain further guidance on admissions requirements from staff in the College Admissions Offices.
College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
College of Science and Engineering
English Language requirements
All applicants are required to demonstrate a level of English language competency, regardless of their nationality or country of residence. These requirements are listed by programme.
Specific English language requirement by programme
Applicant support
Our representatives for Canada are Hillary Cementina, Mikaela Spencer, Rachael Parsons and Aly Stewart.
You can contact us for advice and support by emailing:
Browse our events calendar to see if we are hosting an event in your area:
Review student visa requirements on our Student Immigration Service website:
Support in your country
We currently work with education agents in many different countries and regions globally:
View our agents in your country
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Student numbers
There are around 1875 students from North America currently studying at the University of Edinburgh.