Our work on gender-based violence

Indicators of gender-based violence

There may be non-verbal indicators of abuse that may alert you to someone being affected by abuse.

Indicators can include but are not limited to:

  • Changes in behaviour (more or less engaged, distant, withdrawn)
  • Appearing fearful or hyper-vigilant (alert and on edge)
  • Appearing agitated or quick tempered
  • Changes in attendance/academic performance/motivation within classes
  • Appearing isolated
  • Changes in appearance
  • Physical signs (bruising or cuts to the face or body, difficulties walking or sitting)
  • Attempts to hide physical signs (sunglasses, scarfs, long sleeves out of the norm of their usual dress or inappropriate for weather)
  • Disclosed changes in sleep patterns or appearing tired
  • Disclosed increased alcohol or substance use
  • Presenting with low mood, hopelessness or increased anxiety
  • Financial difficulties or more money/material possessions than usual

People may, of course, display some of these indicators without experiencing gender-based violence. If multiple indicators are present and you would like advice identifying whether someone may need support, please contact the Equally Safe Team to discuss your concerns.

Contact the Equally Safe Team