Bringing your family
Guidance and resources for students accompanied by family or dependants.
If your dependants are moving with you to Edinburgh, you should consider accommodation, healthcare, and support.
We provide couples and family accommodation for students who wish to bring their partners or children with them. Whilst this type of accommodation is not guaranteed, offers are made on a first-come, first-served basis; and only once you become unconditional firm to study. You can find out more at the following link:
Couples and families (Accommodation, Catering and Events website)
Student parents' health and wellbeing
Find further guidance and information at the following link:
Guidance and information for students who are also parents
Your children - childcare whilst studying
The King's Buildings campus offers its own childcare service but there are many registered nurseries across the city of Edinburgh:
International Students
If you are coming to study in the UK under the Student route you may wish to bring family with you. Some Student visa holders are permitted to bring family members to the UK as dependants: