Our relationship with students
The University of Edinburgh's approach is to recognise students as adults, even those who have not yet reached the age of 18.
Disclosing information about your student
Parents, relatives and/or supporters of a student have no general legal right to be given information about that student. The University cannot disclose or discuss issues with you unless it is clear that the student has given consent. However, in exceptional circumstances, the University may contact you if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the student.
University of Edinburgh data protection policy
Keep talking openly to your student
We would encourage you to maintain ongoing, open conversations throughout their years of study. Talk openly about academic progress and personal responsibility, including the use of alcohol and general safety issues. In many ways, these conversations are as valuable to our students as the University’s written policies and its range of support services.
Principles guiding the University's relationship with students
Students are expected to act responsibly (in accordance with the University's Code of Student Conduct) and will be held accountable for their actions. When students make mistakes the University is committed to supporting them to learn and develop. In some cases, the University may explore an alternative to disciplinary action if a student's behaviour has be affected by a health condition or disability (in accordance with the Support for Study policy).
Student privacy and independence
Students are given privacy in their academic and personal lives and are trusted to be able to manage their own affairs, including decisions and responsibilities around academic, financial and personal issues. If needed, students can make use of the many different University student support services which are available to them.