Online Students

Register how to pay your fees

Planning how you will pay your fees and letting us know how you intend to pay is required before you make any payments.

What you need to do 

The payment options available to you depend on how you are funding your studies.  By completing the Financial Registration form below, you will get information on how to pay your tuition fees or how to show proof of funding to the University:

Register how you will pay your tuition fees (secured)

Why you need to do it 

A tuition fee is linked to every programme. You can find this information in your offer letter. Alternatively, you can view up-to-date tuition fee levels online.  

Look up the tuition fees for your programme  

If your fees are not paid, you could risk your place on your programme. You will be unable to access any of the University’s services and facilities.  

When you do it 

The Financial Registration form is open to you approximately four weeks prior to your programme start date and should be completed within a week of receiving your invoice.  You should complete your Annual Registration first. 

Task 1 - Register as a student

How you can pay your tuition fees depends on your type of funding.  Completing the Financial Registration Form will provide us with the information about your type of funding and then we can give you clear guidance on how to pay your tuition fees.

Once you have paid your fees, you will be able to see your payment in My Finance (MyEd).  

How you do it 

Before you complete the form, it is helpful to plan how you will pay your fees. Depending on your funding, you need to follow certain steps to ensure your fees are being paid.  

Next step - pay your fees

How to pay your tuition fees safely 

  • Use the trusted and secure payment methods provided by the University

  • Don't give your money to someone else to pay for you

  • Don't give your login and passwords for payment portals to anyone else

How to pay your fees video

This short video provides information on how to pay student tuition fees, where to find further information and who to contact if you need further support.

Video: How to pay your tuition fees and related costs 2024
This short 'How to' video provides information on how to pay student tuition fees, where to find further information and how to contact Finance Helpline.

Where to find your financial information 

You can see your student fees account transactions in the My Finance tab in MyEd. You can also make payments (including advance payments before starting your studies) in My Finance. 

How to use your student fees account 

Do you need help?

Contact EdHelp