Start of Semester and Matriculation
Information for new students who are parents
Starting at University
At the start of the academic year, it can sometimes appear that you don’t have time to feel the excitement and anticipation of starting your degree course because there is so much to do. In this section, we want to highlight a few key things to think about in the weeks just before and after semester begins.
This section highlights useful Information for new students who are parents preparing to start university.
New Students
The New Student webpages provide a useful summary of resources and information to help you to prepare in the weeks before and just after you start University and matriculate.
Academic and Pastoral support
You will receive a combination of academic and dedicated student experience and administrative staff support within your academic school. Your individual school/s will provide you with further information about this support before you start.
Outside of your academic school the Advice Place, operated through the Students’ Association, can provide advice and guidance in matters such as wellbeing, money, accommodation and more.
Find out more about The Advice Place
Prepare to start at University
As you start to prepare for University life both personally and academically this can be both exciting yet also overwhelming as it can feel like there is so much to do.
We wanted to highlight a number of induction courses/programmes that take place to help give you the best start at University, in the weeks just before and after semester begins.
‘Moving On’ is an induction programme run by the Centre for Open Learning, which comes highly recommended. It takes place just before welcome week. The programme will allow you to experience university life and start making early connections with other new students, helping you to get the most out of welcome week and the period around matriculation.
Find out more information about ‘Moving On’ and the eligibility
To officially enrol and become a university of Edinburgh student, every student needs to complete the Matriculation process.
You can find information about matriculation on the University student systems website. Further information will be provided on the new student website in the Top 6 Tasks about how to complete these steps, nearer to the time that you start University.
Matriculation explained – student systems
Bringing your family
Guidance and resources for students accompanied by family or dependents. If your dependents are moving with you to the UK you should consider accommodation, healthcare and support.
We provide couples and family accommodation for students who wish to bring their partners or children with them while studying at the University of Edinburgh.
While this type of accommodation is not guaranteed, offers are made on a first come, first served basis; and only once you become Unconditional Firm to study at the University of Edinburgh. The University offers student family accommodation at Blacket Avenue. There are 2, 3, and 4 bedroom flats located near the central main campus. These flats are managed by the University and are very popular.
If you are interested in University accommodation, then early investigation and application is highly recommended.
Contact student accommodation for more information and to apply
Couples and families (Accommodation site)
Student Parents Health and Wellbeing
Find further guidance and information for our students who are also parents
Student Parents navigating university life
Your children
Find childcare in or near your place of study. The Kings Buildings offers its own childcare service but there are many registered nurseries across the city of Edinburgh.
Childcare, schools, and looking after your family while studying
Overseas students
Immigration guidance for international students with dependents
For further information on bringing your family, including information on healthcare and support for your family, visit the International Applicants site.
It is useful to check that you have all the student funding you are eligible for. We would recommend that you look at the Scholarship and student funding website for funds via the University in the first instance.
Access Awards – Scholarships and Student Funding
Students with children – Scholarships and Student Funding
We also recommend investigating others funds via the Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS), for example their Lone Parents' Grant.
Further information for other funds on Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS)
The key meeting you will have at this time of year is with your Student Adviser, programme director or supervisor, depending on your studies.