
Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES)

The annual Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey is the chance for taught postgraduates to give feedback on their experiences of learning and teaching at the University.

What does it ask about?

The survey questions are broken down into the following areas:

  • Teaching and learning
  • Engagement
  • Community
  • Assessment and feedback
  • Dissertation or major project
  • Organisation and management
  • Resources
  • Support
  • Skills development
  • Overview
  • Student Support (institutional question)

Students are encouraged to take an overview of the whole programme and have an opportunity to comment after each section, as well as at the end of the questionnaire.

How do I take part?

The survey runs every year from April to June and is completed online. In 2024, the survey is open from 22 April to 13 June. If you are eligible to complete the survey, you will receive an email with a link from Student Surveys.

What happens to my responses?

Your feedback is important and the survey is your chance to tell us about your experience of being a postgraduate taught student.

Over 100 universities and colleges take part in the UK and globally. This means we can compare your experience against similar postgraduates at other institutions to see if we are supporting your learning as we should.

We use the findings to improve our programmes and the learning experience for you and future students.

Why should I take part?

We analyse the results and make recommendations for change based on the findings, and the results and feedback, including free text comments, are used by Schools to improve and enhance the student experience for future students. It is a chance to give your feedback on your experience of the University as a postgraduate student. 

For every response, we’ll donate 50p to a local charity, The School Bank West Lothian, and you’ll also have the chance to enter a prize draw to win a £50 voucher.