Islay Cranston |
Research Technician (microPET) |
Sara Cranston |
Deputy Information Compliance Manager |
- Information Compliance Services
Gina Cranswick |
Senior Trial Team Manager |
- Usher Institute
- Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit
Dayle Craske |
Internal Communications Officer |
- Communications and Marketing
- Internal Communications
Tim Craven |
Andrew Crawford |
Postdoctoral Statistical Geneticist |
Anna Crawford |
Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Officer |
Arlene Crawford |
Client Care Assistant |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Lucy Crawford |
Emergency and Critical Care Internship |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Rhona Crawford |
PR and Media Manager (CSE) |
- Communications and Marketing
- PR and Media Manager
Emily Creamer |
Research Fellow |
Lucilla Crespi |
Lucilla Crespi |
PhD student - Classics |
Miss Inês Crespo |
Communications Manager |
Jorge Crespo Suarez |
Kathrin Cresswell |
Professor of Digital Innovations in Health and Care |
Darius Cret |
PhD Philosophy |
Dr Fiona Crichton |
Deputy Director, Clinical Educator Programme |
- South East Faculty of Clinical Educators
Mihaela Crisan |
Chancellor's Fellow |
Michel Croce, PhD |
Early Stage Marie Curie Researcher |