Dr Murray Craig
Bicentennial Teaching Fellow - Strand Leader PGDE (Secondary) Physical Education

- Moray House School of Education and Sport, ISPEHS
- University of Edinburgh
Contact details
- Tel: +44 (0)131 651 6043
- Email: murray.craig@ed.ac.uk
- @murraypcraig
- Street
Moray House School of Education and Sport, SL G6
- City
- University of Edinburgh (Holyrood Campus)
- Post code
- EH8 8AQ
I am a Bicentennial teaching fellow at MHSES with the majority of my teaching taking place on the four year Undergraduate MA (Hons) Phyical Education programme at Moray House. Additionally, I am the strand leader for the Post Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) Physical Education programme. As well as leading aspects of the MA (Hons) PE and PGDE (Secodary) PE programmes I am involved in the delivery of various courses across both programmes.
I have previously taught physical education in both England and Scotland. After graduating from Liverpool John Moore’s University in 1995 with a BEd (Hons) in PE (with Science), my first teaching post was in Northamptonshire, teaching Secondary PE, as well as general Science, at Brooke Weston CTC in Corby.
I returned to Scotland in 1997 and took up a teaching position within the physical education department at George Watson’s College (GWC) in Edinburgh. My teaching career was put on hold for a period of two years as I was fortunate to be offered the opportunity to play rugby on full-time professional basis with Edinburgh Rugby in 1997/98, and Exeter Rugby in 1998/99.
I returned to George Watson’s College in 1999 and taught curricular and certificated PE, as well as extra-curricular sport, for six years. In 2005 I moved into further education lecturing in Sports Coaching and Sports Development at Edinburgh’s Telford College. At this time I studied, on a part-time basis, for an MSc in Applied Sports Psychology at Staffordshire University, graduating in 2010.
In 2011 I moved in to higher education when I undertook a teaching secondment at Moray House. Employed as a teaching fellow I delivered on a variety of courses across both the BEd(Hons) PE and PGDE-PE programmes. Upon completion of the secondment in 2012 I took up my current position, namely Bicentennial Teaching Fellow, which involves the organisation and delivery of various courses across both the MA (Hons) and PGDE (Secondary) PE programmes. In addition to my teaching commitments I studied, on a part-time basis, for a Docorate in Education at The University of Edinburgh, graduating in 2019.
The University of Edinburgh - Doctorate in Education
Staffordshire University - MSc Applied Sport & Exercise Psychology
Liverpool JMU - BEd(Hons) Secondary Physical Education with Science
Undergraduate teaching
Currently course Organiser for the following courses:
- Physical Education Perspectives 4 - Semester 1
- Professional Development and Leadership (Year 4 Placement) - Semester 2
Current/previous teaching responsibilities on the MA (Hons) Physical Education programme:
- Sports Science 1B - Sport Psychology
- Professional Practice and Enquiry
- Physical Education Curriculum and Pedagogy 2 - The Early Secondary Years
- Physical Edcuation Curriculum and Pedagogy 3 - National Awards
- Physical Education Persepctives 4 - Sport Psychology
- Practical Activities - Badminton, Basketball, Striking & Fielding Games, Swimming and Rugby
Currently sit on the following committee's within the School:
- Learning and Teaching
- Quality Assurance and Enhancement
- Equipment and Resources
Postgraduate teaching
Current/previous teaching responsibilities on the PGDE (Secondary) Physical Education programme:
- Curriculum and Pedagogy - Broad General Education
- Curriculum and Pedagogy - National Qualifications
- Behaviour Management
- Involving Technology in Physical Education
- Motivational Climates
- Developing 'Psychological Characterisitics of Developing Excellence' (PCDE's) in Physical Education
- Practical Activities - Striking & Fielding Games, Swimming (NQ), Athletics and Badminton
- Placement Tutor
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Current PhD students supervised
Jack Moran (PhD)
Denisen Dewar (MSc)
Research summary
- The use of digital technologies in physical education
- The application of talent development concepts and principles in physical education