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Name Role Business unit(s)
Mr Donald Rutherford Lecturer in Economics
Steph Ruthven PMO Analyst, Project Services
Professor Keith Rutter Emeritus Professor of Classics and Honorary Professorial Fellow
Dr Aine Ryan Head of Research Engagement, Edinburgh Earth Initiative
Dermot Ryan Honorary Clinical Fellow
Dr John Ryan Lecturer in Small Animal Orthopaedics and Head of REPAIR Centre
Dr Neil Ryan Chief Scientific Officer Clinical Lecturer and Subspecialty Trainee in Gynaecology Oncology
Larissa Ryazanova-Clarke Professor of Russian and Sociolinguistics
Audrey Ryback Postdoctoral Research Fellow
George Rybintsev Student
Stanislav Rybtsov Postdoc
Dr Ewelina Rydzewska-Fazekas Lecturer in Health Futures, Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Programme Coordinator for MSc in Planetary Health
Willa Saadat PhD Philosophy
Iida Saarinen PhD Student - History
Dr Shari Sabeti Reader in Arts and Humanities Education
Vardev Sachdev
Riccardo Sacripante PhD Psychology
Stefan Sadecki DAAD-Lektor (he/him)
Fatemeh Sadeghi (PhD student)
Alexandra Sadler