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Name Role Business unit(s)
Clara Calvert Chancellor's Fellow in Global Challenges
Sharon Calvert School Executive Officer and PA to Head of School
Catherine Calvin Research Assistant
Dr Audrey Cameron Chancellor's Fellow (Science Education and BSL)
David Cameron Professor of Medical Oncology & Deputy Director IHDP
Euan Cameron CAHSS Digital Development Manager
Professor Ewen Cameron Sir William Fraser Professor of Scottish History and Palaeography
Grant Cameron Clinical Research Coder (Edinburgh Cancer Informatics)
Iwona Cameron Senior Climate, Biodiversity and Sustainability Manager
Mr Jamie Cameron Dairy Herdsman
Malcolm Cameron Research Assistant
Sharon Cameron Consultant in Gynaecology & Sexual and Reproductive Health
Richard Camilleri PhD Philosophy
Giuseppina Camiolo Postdoctoral fellow
Professor Philip J Camp Professor of Theoretical Chemistry
Alan Campbell Research Security and Compliance Manager
Alistair Campbell Service Manager
Ms Amanda Campbell Head of Teaching Administration
Archie Campbell Generation Scotland Chief Technical Officer
Brian Campbell Communications Manager