Dr Audrey Cameron (OBE, PhD, PGDE, CChem, HonFRSC)
Chancellor's Fellow (Science Education and BSL)

- Moray House School of Education and Sport, IETL
- University of Edinburgh
Contact details
- Email: audrey.m.cameron@ed.ac.uk
- Street
Charteris Land (Rm 2.20)
- City
- Moray House School of Education
- Post code
- EH8 8AQ
I embarked on my academic journey at Paisley College of Technology (now the University of West of Scotland), earning a BSc Hons in Chemistry. My passion for the field led me to pursue a PhD in polymer chemistry at Strathclyde University. Afterwards, I expanded my horizons through postdoctoral research experiences at Strathclyde and Durham Universities.
In 2003, I transitioned to the world of education, completing a PGCE course in Secondary Education (Chemistry with Science) at the Moray House School of Education in 2004. I then taught in mainstream schools.
From 2013 to 2015, I had the privilege of serving as a Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, contributing to the NSPCC Child Protection Research Centre housed within the School of Education. From 2017-2021, I worked with Professor Napier on two Eramus+ research projects at Heriot-Watt University - deaf employment and gender-based violence.
I hold the position of Chancellor's Fellow, where my focus lies at the intersection of science education and British Sign Language research and as a Chemistry tutor on the PGDE Secondary Education (Chemistry/ General Science) course. My commitment to inclusivity extends to my role as part of the MSc Inclusive Education team, where I deliver the Deaf Studies module.
One of my most significant contributions is managing the Scottish Sensory Centre's BSL Glossary project, a collaborative effort with a team of 37 Deaf scientists, educators working with deaf children and BSL sign linguists since 2007. This project has compiled over 3,000 signs for STEM with BSL definitions and examples.
Additionally, since February 2019, I have had the privilege of serving as the Chair of the University's BSL plan working group, further advocating for inclusivity and accessibility in education. https://www.ed.ac.uk/about/british-sign-language-plan
BSc Hons Chemistry
PhD Chemistry: Novel membranes for the separation of chiral isomers
PGCE Chemistry with Science
Responsibilities & affiliations
GTCS registered teacher
Chartered Chemist and Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
BERA member
Postgraduate teaching
- PGDE Secondary Education (Chemistry)
- PGDE Secondary Education (General Science)
- PGDE Primary Education (Science)
- MSc Inclusive Education and Postgraduate Diploma Inclusive Education (deaf learners) - Deaf Studies.
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Areas of interest for supervision
I am available to supervise students on topics related to science education and sign languages, including deaf, deafblind and hard-of-hearing students.
Research summary
Using sign language to unlock scientific concepts - recent presentation as part of MHSES 175 anniversary celebrations with Rachel O'Neill: https://media.ed.ac.uk/media/MHSES+175th+Anniversary+Lecture+Series+-+Exploring+the+history+and+current+research+of+British+Sign+Language+at+MHSES/1_q1qrc7pv
Access to education and protection for young deaf people
Gender-based violence and deaf women
Promoting access to employment for deaf people
Polymer chemistry
Current research interests
Her current research interests include: Inclusion of deaf pupils in education; Development of STEM signs in British Sign Language and using sign language to unlock scientific concepts; Accessible Zebra crossingsPast research interests
PhD research project: ‘Development of novel hydrogel polymer membranes and their utilisation in selective separation of racemic mixtures of potential pharmaceutical or industrial interest’. (Awarded ‘P D Ritchie Prize’ for the Best PhD Thesis at University of Strathclyde in 1997); Development of polyurethane microgels for controlled delivery at Pure and Applied Chemistry Department, University of Strathclyde (funded by Apollon Inc); Investigation of novel polyacrylate nanogels for surface coatings and bulk plastics at Pure and Applied Chemistry Department, University of Strathclyde (funded by ICI Paints); Design of novel supports for combinatorial chemistry and solid phase organic synthesis – Chemistry Department at Durham University. (funded by GlaxoSmithKline); Synthetic and structural studies on C-ethynyl- and C-bromo-carboranes – Chemistry Department at Durham University. Whilst at the University of Edinburgh/NSPCC Research Centre I was part of a team that explored the experiences and views of maltreated deaf and disabled children and young adults about Child Protection Services. Other research undertaken at the Centre: promoting the welfare of Deaf children; views from the Scottish Parliament Facebook consultation on the British Sign Language (Scotland) Bill; rights and responsibilities of Deaf and disabled birth parents. At Heriot-Watt University - Research Associate on the Designs Project - promoting access to employment for deaf sign language users in Europe. (October 2017 - June 2019). At Heriot-Watt University - Research Associate on the JUSTISIGNS 2 research project - empowering victims of gender-based violence - deaf sign language users in Europe (June 2020 - February 2021)Knowledge exchange
Project activity
- British Sign Language Glossary of Curriculum Terms, Scottish Sensory Centre
- Accessible Zebra crossings
- Assessing the feasibility of using digitised British Sign Language examination papers for deaf candidates in Scotland
- Use of Facebook to promote scientific discussions in BSL among young deaf people and scientists.
- Development of App for BSL glossary in conjunction with Roller Agency.
Development of resources (online and through engagement activities) to give deaf school pupils, teachers and the wider deaf community the tools to engage in stem cell research and its significance to society in general and the deaf community in particular.
Current project grants
2023-2024: Accessible Zebra Crossings
2023-2024: Signing to know, RKEI Innovation Fund
2021-2026: Understanding science through sign language
Past project grants
2007, Scottish Government Additional Support for Learning, £25,000, Science Signs Glossary with Rachel O'Neill;
2008, Learning Teaching Scotland, £4,800, Evaluation Science Signs Glossary with Rachel O'Neill and Gary Quinn, Heriot Watt University;
2010-11, Scottish Qualifications Authority, £15,870, Feasibility Study Digital Exam papers in BSL, with Rachel O'Neill and Gary Quinn, Heriot Watt University;
2011-12, STEM Disability Committee, Royal Academy of Engineering, £14,000, Physics and Engineering Sign Development in BSL, with Rachel O'Neill and Gary Quinn, Heriot Watt University;
2013, University of Edinburgh Innovation Initiative Grant £1,700 towards Science signs Glossary evaluation with Rachel O'Neill;
2013, Birkdale Trust £500 towards Science signs Glossary evaluation with Rachel O'Neill.
2013-2014, NPSCC, £24,000, Deaf and disabled children and young people's experiences of the child protection system, with Julie Taylor, Deborah Fry, Kirsten Stalker, Anita Franklin and Christine Jones.
2013-14, Royal Academy of Engineering, £15,000, Physics and Engineering Sign Development in BSL, with Rachel O'Neill and Gary Quinn, Heriot Watt University;
2014-2015, University of Edinburgh Seedcorn Fund, £1,492, Rights and responsibilities of Deaf and disabled birth parents, with Christine Jones, Julie Taylor and Anna Anderson.
2015, University of Edinburgh Seedcorn Fund, £1,333, Promoting the welfare of Deaf children: Views from the Scottish Parliament Facebook consultation on the British Sign Language (Scotland) Bill, with Julie Taylor, Christine Jones, Kirsteen MacKay and Anna Anderson.
2015-16, Development of Geography & Earth Sciences Signs in British Sign Language, £28,000 (12 m to Dec 2015): OMV, Lognostics, NERC, Geological Society of London, DONG Energy, ESRI, with Dr Rhian Meara, Swansea University, Rachel O'Neill and Gary Quinn, Heriot Watt University.
2016-2017, Development of App for BSL glossary, £30,000: University of Edinburgh Alumni, with John Ravenscroft, Rachel O'Neill and Gary Quinn, Heriot Watt University.
2017, Increasing the impact of British Sign Language Glossary research about stem cells in deaf communities, £4,975: CAHSS Knowledge Exchange and Impact grant, with Rachel O'Neill, Jan Barfoot (EuroStemCell) and Vivian Rumjanek (URJ).
2017-2018 Signing Science – Telling stem cell stories with sign language, £4,867.40: MRC Engagement in Science Activities Seed Fund with Dr Robin Morton (MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine), Dr Jan Barfoot, (EuroStemCell), Karolina Punovuori, Rachel O’Neil, Gary Quinn, Dr Ryan Lewis, Liam McMulkin, and Anna Couturier.
2020-2021: Using sign language to unlock chemistry concepts, £5000: Individual grant from Royal Society of Chemistry's Inclusion and Diversity Fund with Professor Michael Seery (Chemistry Dept at UoE).
Conference details
Cameron, A., “Access to STEM education using sign language” at Association Science Education (ASE) Inclusive Science Group, 31 January 2024.
Cameron, A, “Signing to Know: Unlocking scientific concepts for deaf children in the UK” at University of Edinburgh’s Linguistic Circle, 23 November 2023.
Cameron, A., “Signing to unlock scientific concepts – how do we develop the new signs in the UK?”, at 4th Workshop of 2023, Global Year of STEM Sign Lexicons at Rochester Institute of Technology /NTID, Rochester, USA, 18 November 2023.
Cameron, A., and Solomon, C. “Global Year of STEM Sign Lexicons” at EdSign, University of Edinburgh, 31 October 2023.
Cameron, A., Campbell, L., Kurz, C., Kushalnagar, R., Solomon, C. and Wooten, A. “Global Year of STEM Sign Lexicons” at XIX World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf, Jeju, Korea, 14 July 2023.
Cameron, A., Farrell, K. and Quinn, G. “Improving access for Deaf learners in CS, data and cybersecurity” at CTSA (Computer Science Teachers Association) 2023 Virtual Conference, 13 July 2023.
Cameron, A. “I belong in Chemistry” as part of the EDI event at St Andrews University, School of Chemistry, April 2023.
Cameron, A. and Kusters, A. “Demand for Deaf Studies for teachers working with deaf children” at British Association for Teachers of the Deaf (BATOD)’s webinar, Oct 2022.
Cameron, A. “Belonging and connection – building a better chemistry culture”, at The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, Sept 2022.
Cameron, A. “Belonging and connection – building a better chemistry culture”, RSC’s Chemistry World’s webinar, May 2022.
Cameron, A. ‘Signing to Know Study’, Heriot-Watt University BSL Research Webinar, October 2021.
Cameron, A. and Quinn, G. ‘Sign to unlock scientific concepts’ 10th International Deaf Academics and Researchers Conference 2021, Montreal, Canada—August 2021 (virtual and presented in International Sign).
Cameron, A., O'Neill, R. and Quinn, G. BSL webinar – Visualising how plants and microbes function in sign language. Webinar organised by The British Society for Plant Pathology. September 2020
Cameron, A. Using sign language to unlock scientific concepts for deaf children at Association of Science Education SEND Teachmeet webinar, August 2020
Cameron, A. and Quinn, G. Science for BSL/English interpreters, ASLI webinar, April 2020.
Cameron, A. and Dow, J. Journey to become a teacher. Invited speaker at EdSign, University of Edinburgh, February 2020.
Conama, J. B., Cameron, A., Leeson, L., Napier, J., Peters, C., Rathmann, C. & Sheikh, H. DESIGNS: ‘Perspectives on deaf employment in Europe’. Paper accepted to present at World Federation for the Deaf (WFD)’s 18th International Congress, Paris, France, July 2019.
Conama, J. B., Cameron, A., Leeson, L., Napier, J., Peters, C., Rathmann, C. & Sheikh, H. DESIGNS: ‘Shaping the future of access to employment for deaf people through interpreters’. Paper accepted to present at World Association for Sign Language Interpreters (WASLI) conference, Paris, France, July 2019
Cameron, A. ‘Using sign language morphology to unlock science education’. Invited to present paper at 6th STEM conference for deaf people in the field of STEM and STEM sign language interpreters, Halle, Germany, June 2019.
Napier, J. & Cameron, A. ‘DESIGNS project (promoting access to employment for deaf sign language users in Europe)’. Invited paper presented at EdSign Lecture at University of Edinburgh, UK, March 2019.
Cameron, A. ‘DESIGNS project (promoting access to employment for deaf sign language users in Europe)’. Invited paper presented at Deaf Spaces in the Workplace conference at York St John University, York, UK, February, 2019.
Cameron, A. Using Sign Language to Unlock Science Education for Deaf Children. Invited speaker at Dublin City University, February 2019.
Cameron, A and O’Neill, R. Deaf children in Scottish schools: Curriculum, Attainment and Challenges. Invited keynote speaker at University of Hamburg, 26 November 2018.
Conama, J. B., Cameron, A*., Leeson, L., Napier, J., Peters, C., Rathmann, C.* & Sheikh, H. ‘DESIGNS: Perspectives on Deaf people’s access to employment through interpreters’. Paper presented at European Forum for Sign Language Interpreters (efsli) conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2018.
Cameron, A. Science and Maths in BSL. Invited keynote speaker at Euroscience open forum, Toulouse, France, 9-14 July 2018.
Cameron A. Science and Maths in BSL. Invited plenary presentation at 8th International Deaf Academics and Researchers Conference 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark. August 2017.
Cameron A. Science and Maths in BSL Glossary Project’s 10 years Anniversary. Invited keynote presentation at SSC/Adept Conference – Aiming higher for deaf students – What works? What could work? University of Edinburgh, UK, June 2017.
Cameron, A. Science and Maths in British Sign Language. Invited paper presented at Disability Research Edinburgh Research Seminar Series. University of Edinburgh, UK, March 2017.
Cameron, A. Science and Maths in British Sign Language. Invited paper presented at 4th STEM Workshop for Deaf natural scientists, physicians, and academics and for STEM sign language interpreters. University of Leipzig, Germany, January 2017.
Cameron, A. What are Deaf Children telling us about Child Protection? Invited paper presented at NSPCC: Deaf Children - Are we keeping them safe? conference, University of Manchester, UK, May 2016.
Cameron, A. & Quinn, G. Science and maths resources for British Sign Language users. Invited paper presented at Collaborative Working in Sensory Support: Strengthening Quality and Consistency of Support Throughout the Learner Journey, College Development Network, Argyll Court, Stirling, UK, April 2016.
Cameron, A. & Quinn, G. Science in British Sign Language. Invited paper presented Café MED as part of ERSC’s Festival of Social Science. Aberdeen University, November 2015.
Cameron, A. Making sense of astronomy. Invited paper presented at Simposio Caminhos da Inclusao. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2015.
Cameron, A., Fry, D., Franklin, A., Stalker, K. & Taylor, J. Talking about Child Protection: Disabled Children and Young Adults. Paper presented at 9th BASPCAN Congress, University of Edinburgh, UK, April 2015.
Cameron, A., Fry, D., Taylor, J., Stalker, K., Franklin, A., Stewart, A. & Kurdi, Z. Child Protection and Deaf Children. Poster session presented at 6th World Congress on Mental Health & Deafness: Pathways to Rights, Belfast, UK, September 2014.
Cameron, A., O’Neill, R. & Quinn G. Evaluating the use of technical signs online with young Deaf people. EdSign Lecture at Edinburgh University, March 2014.
Cameron, A. & O’Neill, R. Discussing science in BSL: a new genre? Paper presented at TESOL seminar at University of Edinburgh (with R. O’Neill and G. Quinn), February 2014.
Cameron, A. & Lawson, L. Deaf people's experiences of employment and unemployment in Scotland today. Invited paper presented at EdSign Lecture at University of Edinburgh, UK, November 2013.
Cameron, A., Johnston, T. & Quinn, G. Making Sense of Astronomy in British Sign Language. Invited paper presented at Translation Day - False Friends: Translation and Alliance Formation at Stirling University, UK, November 2013.
Cameron, A. & O’Neill, R. Using Facebook to explore science discussion in British Sign Language. Poster presented at BAAL Special Interest Group: Language and Social Media workshop, Leicester, UK, November 2013.
Cameron, A., O’Neill, R. & Quinn, G. Exploring e-learning about science in BSL. Paper presented at BAAL conference, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, September 2013.
Cameron, A. & Quinn, G. Science in British Sign Language. Paper presented at the British Interactive Group conference for science communicators, Glasgow, UK, July 2013.
Cameron, A. Deaf people’s experiences of employment and unemployment in Scotland. Presented findings of the SCoD’s employment project (2012-2013) at Scottish Council on Deafness’ Annual General Meeting, Edinburgh, UK, June 2013.
Cameron, A. & Quinn, G. Alternative communication in science education: Science in British Sign Language. Invited paper presented at Supporting Disabled Students in STEM, STEM DC Spring Conference, The Royal Society, London, February 2013.
Cameron, A. O’Neill, R. & Quinn, G. Scientific and linguistic aspects of the development of a science glossary in British Sign Language. Invited paper at Caminhos da inclusao – Que oportunidades estamos oferecendo aos surdos? Symposium, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 2012.
Cameron, A. O’Neill, R. & Quinn, G. Collecting, developing and defining science terms in BSL. Supporting the STEM in British Sign Language. Invited paper presented at The Royal Academy of Engineering, London, England, June 2012.
Cameron, A., O’Neill, R. & Quinn, G. Collecting, coining and defining new terms in BSL. Poster presented at Scottish Sensory Centre’s Reflection on Deaf Education: Current Research and Practice, University of Edinburgh, UK, March 2012.
Cameron, A. & Quinn, G. Diversifying your audience: Deaf people. Paper presented at British Science Association’s Science Communication Conference, London, May 2011.
Cameron, A. & Quinn, G. Providing translations of exams for signing deaf candidates: report on progress. Paper presented at British Association of Teachers of the Deaf (BATOD) Scotland’s conference: New initiatives in Education, Perth, UK, February 2011.
Cameron, A., Dunlop, C. & Quinn, G. BSL dictionary and Physics terminology for deaf people. Paper presented at Conference on Barriers to disabled students, Institute of Physics, London, November 2010.
Cameron, A. & O’Neill, R. Evaluating the Science Signs Glossary: an online bilingual resource for deaf learners. Paper presented at Deaf Education Fit for the Future: Innovation, Research and Practice Conference, Manchester University, June 2009.
Cameron, A., O’Neill, R. & Quinn, G. The Science Signs Project. Invited paper presented at EdSign Lecture, University of Edinburgh, UK, March 2009.
Cameron, A., O’Neill, R. & Quinn, G. An Evaluation Report of the Science Signs Project. Paper presented at Newcastle Science Festival, Newcastle University, UK, March 2009.
Papers delivered
Cameron, A. and Seery M. Unlocking chemistry concepts using sign language. Virtual Poster at RSC Inclusion and Diversity Forum, 8 December 2020. ianddforum-rsc.ipostersessions.com/Default.aspx?s=42-87-21-79-88-63-57-C3-AE-AA-9A-25-72-F1-1B-22
Sheikh, H., Napier, J., Cameron, A., Leeson, L., Rathmann, C., Peters, C., Conama, J. B., & Moiselle, R. (2021). Access to employment for deaf graduates, employees and jobseeking signers: findings from the DESIGNS project. In G. A. M. De Clerck (Ed.), UNCRPD Implementation in Europe - a deaf perspective: Article 9: Access to information and communication (pp. 179-193). European Union of the Deaf. https://www.eud.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/UNCRPD_Book_V3.pdf p179.
Quinn, G., Cameron, A., and O’Neill, R. 2021. Signing the times: Enforced oralism in deaf education has left BSL lacking signs for specialist concepts. in NEWSLI, pp27-31.
Julie Taylor, Christine Jones, Audrey Cameron, Deborah Fry, Anita Franklin: 719 Enablers of help-seeking and protection from abuse for deaf and disabled children: a qualitative study. Injury Prevention 09/2016; 22(Suppl 2). DOI:10.1136/injuryprev-2016-042156.719
Kirsten Stalker, Julie Taylor, Deborah Fry, Christine Jones, Audrey Cameron, Alasdair Stewart, Anita Franklin: Protecting disabled children: what the research tells us. Community Care 08/2015;
O’Neill, K.P., Cameron, A., Quinn, G., O’Neill R. and McLean, F. British sign language glossary for Mathematics and Statistics. IMA International Conference on Barriers and Enablers to Learning Maths: Enhancing Learning and Teaching for All Learners. 06/2015; http://www.ima.org.uk/_db/_documents/O'Neill%20-%20Creating%20and%20evaluating%20an%20online%20glossary%20of%20curriculum%20terms%20for%20maths%20for%20deaf%20learners%20who%20use%20British%20Sign%20Language.pdf
Cameron, A., Quinn, G. & O’Neill, R., (2014) ‘Development of Physics and Engineering Signs in British Sign Language: Phase II’. Report to Royal Academy of Engineering: Scottish Sensory Centre., 2014.
Cameron, A. (2013) ‘What is the current employment situation of d/Deaf, Deafblind, Deafened and Hard of Hearing people living in Scotland?’ Report to Scottish Council on Deafness.
Cameron, A., Quinn, G. & O’Neill, R., (2012) ‘Development of Physics and Engineering Signs in British Sign Language: Phase I’. Report to the STEM Disability Committee: Scottish Sensory Centre.
Cameron, A., Quinn, G. & O’Neill, R., (2011), ‘Assessing the feasibility of using digitised British Sign Language examination papers for deaf candidates in Scotland’. Report to SQA. Edinburgh: Scottish Sensory Centre.
O’Neill, R; Quinn, G. & Cameron, A, (2010) ‘Evaluation an Online Glossary of Science Signs’. Paper given at 21st International Congress on the Education of the Deaf, Vancouver.
Mark A Fox, Audrey M Cameron, Paul J Low, Michael A J Paterson, Andrei S Batsanov, Andrés E Goeta, David W H Rankin, Heather E Robertson, Julien T Schirlin: Synthetic and structural studies on C-ethynyl- and C-bromo-carboranes. Dalton Transactions 09/2006; DOI:10.1039/b517538k
Marian Grimes and Audrey Cameron: Inclusion of Deaf Pupils in Scotland: achievements, strategies and services. Inclusive and Supportive Education Congress, International Special Education Conferene - Inclusion: Celebrating Diversity? 08/2005, Glasgow. http://www.isec2005.org.uk/isec/abstracts/papers_g/grimes_m.shtml
Jas Pal Badyal, Audrey M Cameron, Neil R Cameron, Diane M Coe, Richard Cox, Benjamin G Davis, Leslie J Oates, Gisle Oye, Christos Spanos, Patrick G Steel: Plasmachemical surface functionalised beads: versatile tailored supports for polymer assisted organic synthesis. Chemical Communications 07/2004; DOI:10.1039/b401329h
Jas Pal Badyal, Audrey M. Cameron, Neil R. Cameron, Leslie J. Oates, Gisle Øye, Patrick G. Steel, Benjamin G. Davis, Diane M. Coe, Richard A Cox: Comparison of the effect of pore architecture and bead size on the extent of plasmachemical amine functionalisation of poly (styrene-co-divinylbenzene) permanently …. Polymer 03/2004; 45(7). DOI:10.1016/j.polymer.2004.01.072
G. Øye, V. Roucoules, L. J. Oates, A. M. Cameron, N. R. Cameron, P. G. Steel, J. P. S. Badyal: Plasmachemical Amine Functionalization of Porous Polystyrene Spheres: The Importance of Particle Size. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 03/2003; 107(15). DOI:10.1021/jp021262l
G. Øye,, V. Roucoules,, A. M. Cameron,, L. J. Oates,, N. R. Cameron,, P. G. Steel, and, J. P. S. Badyal: Plasmachemical Amine Functionalization of Porous Polystyrene Beads: The Importance of Pore Architecture. Langmuir 10/2002; 18(23). DOI:10.1021/la0202935
Jas Pal Badyal, Audrey M. Cameron, Neil R. Cameron, Diane M. Coe, Richard Cox, Benjamin G. Davis, Leslie J. Oates, Gisle Oye, Patrick G. Steel: A simple method for the quantitative analysis of resin bound thiol groups. Tetrahedron Letters 11/2001; 42(48):8531-8533. DOI:10.1016/S0040-4039(01)01820-2
Neil B. Graham, Audrey Cameron: Nanogels and microgels: The new polymeric materials playground. Pure and Applied Chemistry 06/1998; 70(6):1271-1275. DOI:10.1351/pac199870061271
Geology and British Sign Language Walk on Arthur’s Seat. As part of the EdSign Series, Edinburgh, June 2017.
Keeping our children safe: Disability and Child Protection Event at Robert Gordon University, organised by Child Protection Partnership in Aberdeen. Gave 2 lectures on i) How to use the Child Protection and Disability Toolkit and ii) Best practice – Disability and Child Protection, June 2017.
Dream Big (careers fair for deaf primary school children) in Irvine, British Deaf Association Scotland, May 2017.
Taste for the Future (careers fair for young deaf people), British Deaf Association Wales, March 2017.
Taste for the Future (careers fair for young deaf people) in Glasgow, British Deaf Association Scotland, March 2017
Taste for the Future (careers fair for young deaf people) in Belfast, British Deaf Association Northern Ireland, February 2016
BSL Science Signs & Skills Update. Scottish Sensory Centre CPD course for teachers working with deaf children at University of Edinburgh, October 2015.
Science for Deaf Children. Scottish Sensory Centre CPD course for teachers working with deaf children at University of Edinburgh with Gary Quinn, December 2013.