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Name Role Business unit(s)
Jenny Steele PhD Linguistics & English Language
April Steffeck (PhD student)
Jeremy Steffman Lecturer
Ashley Stein Learning and Teaching Enhancement Administrator
Felix Stein Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Tracy Steinberg Data and IT Skills L&D Professional
Prof Jakub Steiner Professorial Fellow
Dr Andreas Steinhauer Senior Lecturer
Katharine Steinke
Dr Pieter Steketee BBSRC Discovery Fellow
Dr Rosie Stenhouse Head of Nursing Studies; Senior Lecturer; Associate Director Centre for Creative-Relational Inquiry
Amy Stenson Assistant and Research Trials Manager
Dr Olga Stepanova Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Duncan Stephen User Experience Manager
Jacqueline Stephen Senior Statistician
Louise Stephen BBSRC Discovery Fellow
Teresa Stephen Teaching Fellow in Spanish
Thomas Stephen PhD Linguistics & English Language
Fiona Stephens Administrator
Holly Stephens Lecturer in Japanese and Korean Studies