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Name Role Business unit(s)
Maureen Harding Administrative Secretary
Stephanie Hardley Teaching Fellow
David Hardman Research Fellow
Professor Susan Hardman Moore Emeritus Professor of Early Modern Religion and Vice Principal of New College
Dr Ian Hardwick Postdoctoral Research Assistant - 'Beyond Walls: Reassessing Iron Age and Roman Encounters in Northern Britain' project
Holly Hardy ‪Core Scientist (Research Fellow Functional Genomics)
Prof Judy Hardy Dean of Learning and Teaching
Dr Karen Hardy Honorary Fellow
Vedam Hariharan (PhD student)
Amelia Harker Lecturer in English for Academic Purposes & English Language for Widening Participation Coordinator
Steph Harkes Undergraduate Recruitment Intern
Ronnie Harkess Senior Software Developer
Kevin Harkin Senior Business Intelligence Analyst
Claudia Harkin Gonzalez
Louise Harley Accounts Office Supervisor
Mrs Ruth Harley School Operations Administrator
Dr Katie Harling-Lee Early Career Teaching Fellow in English Literature
Professor Colm Harmon Vice Principal (Students) and Professor of Applied Economics
Jelte Harnmeijer Teaching Fellow in Carbon Economics
Ashley Harper Online Learning Programme Administrator (Data Science, Technology and Innovation)