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Name Role Business unit(s)
Mr Nick Edmonstone Pharmacy Assistant
Annie Edwards Research Assistant, Cultural Heritage Framework Programme | Blue Humanities Editor and Partnerships Coordinator, seavoice
Ms Laura Edwards Registered Veterinary Nurse
Morag Edwards RESPIRE Operations Coordinator
Ryan Edwards
Ryan Edwards
Yvonne Edwards Forest Development Manager
Leila Eerikainen (PhD student)
Dr Jite Eferakorho Teaching Fellow in Language Education
Chris Egan Lecturer
Ewan Egan PhD Student
Saeid Eghbal sobhani Pluralism and Islam
Dr James Eglinton Meldrum Senior Lecturer in Reformed Theology
Noureen Ehsan Lead Student Adviser
Julia Eighteen Events Manager
Johannes Eigner Fourth year PhD Student
Mirjam Eiswirth PhD Linguistics & English Language
Karim El Ferkh PhD Student
Meriem El Karoui
Dr Marie-Therese El-Daher Post-doctoral Research Fellow