Yvonne Edwards (Chartered Forester, Chartered Ecologist, BSc Ecology with Forestry Honours, MSc Geographic Information Systems)
Forest Development Manager

- Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability
Contact details
- Email: Yvonne.Edwards@ed.ac.uk
- Street
Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability
The Boilerhouse
High School Yards - City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH1 1LT
A forester and ecologist since graduating from the University of Edinburgh in 1997. I have worked in forestry my whole career: firstly as a lead project technician for a scientist in Washington State, USA. Later, I returned to study for an MSc in Geographic Information Systems at the School of Geosciences. This led me to working with Forest Research as a spatial analyst and then to Scottish Forestry as Data Manager for the Native Woodland Survey of Scotland (NWSS).
The NWSS was a unique survey over 7 years to identify and record all of the native woodlands in Scotland and adds to the heritage of Scotland as a record of those woodlands. The detailed information of the species and habitats in the woodlands can be found at in an online browser at Native Woodland Survey of Scotland - Data Explorer (arcgis.com)
I then moved to working with the then Forestry Commission Scotland as Environment Advisor in Central Scotland. This allowed me to apply the natural resource management skills learned as an ecologist at the University to manage open habitats such as lowland raised bogs and woodlands both native and ancient and work with iconic species such as black grouse, osprey and great crested newt. I also had the privilege to work with a team of enthusiastic foresters managing the trees for the Scottish public both for timber, recreation and conservation. This led me to leading on a project to restore former vacant and derelict land to woodland in Central Scotland. These sites are now accessible to the public and create productive landscapes for future generations.
I continued this work when I became Planning Manager in Central Scotland, leading the team planning land management and programming operations. An amazing opportunity to apply natural resource management and ecological knowledge across 25,000ha of public land to create sustainable and diverse woodlands and maintained open habitat.
Returning to the University of Edinburgh, now to work as the Forest, Peat and Rural Land Manager, is coming full circle to use the skills I was taught 25 years ago and is a fantastic opportunity for us to create woodlands and restore peatlands for the future benefit of students and communities in Scotland.
MSc Geographic Information Systems
BSc Ecology with Forestry Honours
Responsibilities & affiliations
MICFOR Chartered Forester with the Institute of Chartered Foresters
MCIEEM Chartered Ecologist with the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management
Research summary
Yvonne works on forest and peatland carbon sequestration, land acquisition and management.