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Name Role Business unit(s)
Dr Fay Newton Postdoctoral Research Associate
Kathryn Newton Research Technician
Lilith Newton PhD Philosophy
Nic Newton
Dr Russell Newton Hope Trust Post-Doctoral Fellow
Elaine Newton-Bruzza Tutor in Spanish Language and Culture
Dr Jenny Nex Curator, Musical Instrument Collection and Lecturer in Musical Instruments
Lucile Neyton
Lauren Ng Academic Fellow in General Practice
Faithy Ngaira International Recruitment Coordinator (Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program)
Herman Mwangi Ngunyi
Linda Nguyen
Yen Culley Nguyen Internal Periodic Review Coordinator
Anh Nguyen Phuong
Stefano Nicastro PhD Student - History
Victoria Nicheva Research Assistant
Dr Gary Nichol Crystallography Service Manager
Stephen Nichols Postdoctoral Researcher
Angela Nicholson Academic Support Librarian (Business, Economics, Geosciences, Informatics)
Anna Nicholson PhD Linguistics & English Language