Georgie Newson

PhD Philosophy

  • Philosophy
  • School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences

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I studied literature and critical theory at Cambridge, then spent a year working in an editorial capacity for the London Review of Books. After a spell providing research assistance for Oxford's Cultures of Knowledge project, I joined the philosophy department at Edinburgh, where my work remains strongly interdisciplinary. 

Research summary

My PhD project is a survey of historical attempts to model human collectives - groups, nations, communications networks - as cognitive agents. I am particularly focused on the ways in which intelligence has been theorised in terms of the organisation of epistemic labour, and on how these theorisations have fed into utopian political schemes.

I have previously worked on topics in the history of information technology, Early Modern utopianism, dialetheism and its applications, science fiction, mystical writing, and psychoanalysis (see 'Publications' link above).