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Name Role Business unit(s)
Rachel Scarfe Early Career Researcher
Rachel Scarfe PhD Student
Robbie Scarff
Dr Daniel Schaefer Researcher
Lasse Schaefer PhD Psychology
Dr Timo Schaefer Lecturer in Latin American History
Jenna Schafers PHD Student
Dr. Claudia Schaffner Technical Services Manager
Cat Schaupp The Articulation and Repression of War Experience: A Study of the Literary Legacy of Craiglockhart War Hospital
Eline Scheerlinck Research Fellow in Coptic Papyrology
Anna Schilling
Professor Eric C. Schirmer
Martina Schito PhD Student
Maria Schiza
Zoe Schlueter Research Assistant
Marion Schmid Professor of French Literature and Film
Professor Ulrich Schmiedel Honorary Fellow
Ilka Schmueser
Achim Schnaufer
Dr Uwe Schneider Lecturer in Organic Chemistry / Asymmetric Catalysis