Theodore Scaltsas
Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus

- Philosophy
- School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences
Contact details
- Email:
- Web: AI Governance - TED Global Idea
Responsibilities & affiliations
- Course Organiser for the Structure of Being
- Course Organiser for Ancient Theories of Existence
Undergraduate teaching
Greats: Aristotle lectures
Ancient Theories of Existence
The Structure of Being
Contact Hours: Wed's 1:00-2:00, DSB 6.03.
Current PhD students supervised
Research summary
BrainMining; Creative Lateral Thinking and Emotional Intelligence; Ancient Philosophy; Contemporary Metaphysics.
Current research interests
Dory’s current research is on the theory of BrainMining - emotive thinking - creative lateral solutions; on the relation of emotions to creative lateral thinking; and on emotions in decision making. He is also developing a theory of Duoist Creative Thinking on the basis of Yijing metaphysical principles of Chinese thought. He leads and participates in research projects for the development of methods for teaching creative lateral thinking in schools. His has further research interests in ancient metaphysics, contemporary metaphysics, and ancient epistemology.Project activity
- Digital Exhibition of Zeno of Citium and Stoicism, for Cyprus' EU Presidency. Within the framework of Cyprus' Presidency of the European Union 2012, the Secretariat for the Presidency and the Cypriot Ministry of Education and Culture funded the creation of an Exhibition of the Ideas of Zeno and Stoicism.
- Creative Emotional Reasoning C2Learn Funded by EU 7th Framework Programme ICT (Information and Communication Technologies, €3.3M) to explore lateral thinking, emotions and creativity.
- Emotions First - The role of emotions in reasoning, Marie Curie Fellow suprvision, Dr Laur Candiotto, 2015-2017.
- Project Archelogos, Mr George David - 3E + Leventis Foundation. (See under Publications below).
- Latest research grants/projects