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Name Role Business unit(s)
Pedro Ventura De Oliveira Moreira Senior Laboratory Manager - Laboratory of Prof. Donal O'Carroll
Laia Ventura Garcia UKRI Guarantee Postdoctoral Fellow
Jan Verburg
Becky Verdon Disability & Inclusion Officer
Florencia Vergara Escobar
Tomás Vergara Ibacache
Ellie Verginelli Development and Alumni Assistant
Dr Martine Verheul Senior Lecturer in Skill Acquisition & Motor Control
Ayushmaan Dev Verma
Matthieu Vermeren Imaging Facility Manager
Dr Douglas Vernimmen Group Leader
Dr Nathanael Vette Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Amanda Vettini Research Fellow
Dr Vander Viana Senior Lecturer
Roser Vich-Gallego Teaching Fellow in Spanish and Catalan
Robyn Vick Veterinary Physiotherapist
Greig Vickers Lecturer in Secondary Education (Drama Specialism)
Sarah Vickery (PhD Candidate) Tutor- Seoul, Shanghai and Edinburgh: People, Cultures and Spaces
Kyriakos Vidalis