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Name Role Business unit(s)
Dr Dimitra Tsakalou Teaching Fellow in Education
Dr Manos Tsakiris Teaching Fellow in Greek
Thanasis Tsanas Professor of Digital Health and Data Science | Director of Knowledge Exchange and Research Impact
Shannon Tseng PhD Philosophy
PhD Candidate Ioannis Angelos Tsigkos
Melina Tsiknaki Research Funding Specialist
George Tsitati
Nikos Tsogkas, PhD (c)
Dr Theodora Tsouloufi Researcher
Ayumi Tsukahara Teaching Fellow (Japanese)
Haolan Tu
Chris Tuck Clinical Research Programme Manager
Laura Tuck Post Doctoral Research Associate
Sharon Tuck Senior Statistician
Ashley Tuffin
Maarten Tuijtel CryoEM Technologist
Alisdair Tullo Programming and Applications Manager
Jane Tulloch Lab Manager
Dilan Tulsiani
Hamdullah Tunç