Serena Tricarico

HDR UK Scotland Manager


Serena manages projects within the Centre for Medical Informatics portfolio, including a number of prestigious, high profile programmes and interdisciplinary grants in health data science. Serena is responsible for ensuring timely set up and completion of projects, including planning, agreeing and monitoring all project deliverables, identifying and resolving all project risks and issues, and reporting progress versus plan and budget targets.

In November 2016 Serena joined as Research Fellow the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre (NETSCC), based at the University of Southampton to identify new research questions within the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Programme. 

Serena worked as Research Fellow in Microbial Epidemiology and Respiratory Infections in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Southampton. She joined Southampton is September 2015 to provide support for the Newton Fund Institutional Links project in collaboration with the University of Southampton Malaysia Campus and several Malaysian universities. Through this work, the research community and the Malaysia Ministry of Health gained data on the potential emergence of new microbial strains, the serotype epidemiology of vaccine-preventable respiratory infections and prevalence of antibiotic resistance.

In 2013, she completed her PhD in Animal Biology from the University of Milan, Italy.







Responsibilities & affiliations






Undergraduate teaching






Postgraduate teaching






Areas of interest for supervision






Current PhD students supervised






Past PhD students supervised






Research summary






Knowledge exchange






Conference details






Invited speaker


















Papers delivered






In the press