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Name Role Business unit(s)
Stacey Thomson
Mr Zayne Thomson BSL Language Teaching Fellow @COL
Dr Jowita A. Thor CTPI Project Manager
Dr Malcolm Thorburn Honorary Fellow
Mrs Elisabeth Thornton Research Technician
Mathew Thorpe Research Assistant
Jacqueline Thow
Adam Threlfall Research Data Steward
Dr Michael Thrippleton Senior Research Fellow, HCPC-registered Clinical Scientist
Tom Thrower Research Associate
Prof Michael Thrusfield Personal Chair of Veterinary Epidemiology
Victoria Thurlby Clinical tutor
Christina Thurston
Melissa Thye Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Miss Jiayi Tian
Yi Tian
Holly Tibble Chancellor's Fellow
Holly Tibble PhD Student
Matthew Tibble Mirrors for Princes and Theories of Counsel as Responses to the English Reformation
Dr Alison Tidswell Postdoctoral Research Associate