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Name Role Business unit(s)
Sowmya Sekizar Postdoc
Bea Selby Trial Manager
Cigdem Selli Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow
Monika Selvakumar
Professor Colin Semple Group Leader, Head of IGC Bioinformatics Analysis Core
Robert Semple Chair of Translational Molecular Medicine
Scott Semple Personal Chair of Medical Imaging and Physics
Professor Emily Sena Professor of Meta-science and Translational Medicine
Rick Sendelbeck PhD Philosophy
Mousumi Sengupta PhD Student
Xin Sennrich PhD Linguistics & English Language
David Senyszak IT Infrastructure and Data Manager
Brid Seoighe Veterinary Nurse - (Medical)
Marianna Sepe Remmouche Italian Fellow Teacher Italian Teacher Fellow
Justine Seran Go Abroad Projects Administrator
Mr Juan Carlos Serra Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Oncology
J. Karen Serra U. Lecturer in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Joaquin Serrano del Pozo PhD Student
Alan Serrels Research Fellow - Cancer Imaging
Dr. Christine Sesanto Senior Clinical Scholar and Resident in Companion Animal Oncology