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Name Role Business unit(s)
Dr Nezha Benabdallah Group Leader - Chancellor's Fellow
Cole Bendall Teaching Fellow and Course Organiser in Music, Centre for Open Learning
Devin Bendixsen Staff Bioinformatician
Dr Robin Bendrey Senior Lecturer; Archaeology
Fedor Benevich Senior Lecturer
Cécile Bénézeh Senior Lecturer
Meryam Beniazza Postdoc
Javier Benito Ortiz Lecturer in Farm to Fork Integration
Dr Shereen Benjamin Senior Lecturer in Primary Education
Ms Martina Benkova Postgraduate Research Administrator
Maggie Bennett Communications and Marketing Officer
Philip E. Bennett Professor Emeritus and Honorary Fellow
Ryan Bennett (BA, BTheol, MA, STM)
Scott Bennett International Recruitment Manager (Latin America)
Dr Guy Bennett-Hunter Executive Editor, Expository Times
Kristina Benova Communications Officer
Cathy Benson Lecturer in English for Academic Purposes. Coordinator of Academic Language and Literacies for Research Students
Chloe Benson Rotating Intern in Equine Medicine and Surgery
Jim Benstead "'With a polyglot testament in one hand, And a phrase-book in the other': Hugh MacDiarmid's Poetics of Appropriation"
Sam Bentwood