Devin Bendixsen (PhD, MSc, BSc)
Staff Bioinformatician

- MRC Human Genetics Unit
- Institute of Genetics and Cancer
- College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
Contact details
- Email:
- Street
MRC Human Genetics Unit
Institute of Genetics and Cancer
The University of Edinburgh
Western General Hospital
Crewe Road - City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH4 2XU
I completed my BSc degree in Agricultural Biology with an emphasis in Applied Biology at New Mexico State University (2006-2007, 2009-2012), where I was a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Research Scholar. I led my own research into ecological and medical entomology in New Mexico. I then completed a MSc in Natural Resource Ecology and Management at Oklahoma State University (2012-2014) using data analysis and statistics to determine the causes and effects of oak decline. Then I attended Boise State University, where I received a second MSc (2014-2017) and a PhD (2014-2018) in Biomolecular Sciences. My research focused on the constructing empirical fitness landscapes of structurally complex RNA enzymes (ribozymes) and employing bioinformatics to detect epistatic mutational interactions.
I was then awarded a Wenner-Gren Postdoctoral Fellowship to study the mutational landscapes of Saccharomyces yeast hybrids at Stockholm University in Sweden (2018-2022). Following this postdoc, I joined the Colin Semple Bioinformatics Group within the MRC Human Genetics Unit at the Institute of Genetics and Cancer at the University of Edinburgh (2022-present). As a bioinformatician, my research focuses on the construction of mutational landscapes of structurally complex cancers. These mutational landscapes comprise single-nucleotide variants (SNVs), simple and complex structural variants (SV) and copy number alterations (CNAs). Leveraging the power of mutational landscapes derived from large patient cohorts can enable the identification of novel biomarkers and epistatic interactions leading to improved precision medicine.

- PhD Biomolecular Sciences | Boise State University 2014-2018
- MSc Biomolecular Sciences | Boise State University 2014-2017
- MSc Natural Resource Ecology and Management | Oklahoma State University 2012-2014
- BSc Agricultural Biology (Applied Biology) | New Mexico State University 2006-2007, 2009-2012
Responsibilities & affiliations
- European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) - Member
- European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) - Member
- Genetics Society - Member
- Genetics Society of America - Member
Research summary
My research focuses on assessing mutations (small and large) and their epistatic interactions across genetic and genomic landscapes. Here, I make a slight differentiation between genetic and genomic landscapes, with the former being limited to within a gene or gene product (i.e. ribozyme) and the latter ranging across the genome. Within these complex mutational landscapes are intricacies and cryptic interactions that contribute to phenotypes and can further be modulated by environmental pressures. These epistatic genetic interactions result in deviations from expected phenotypes and are a fundamental component of evolution. The phenotypic effects of mutations or gene variants can be altered by the presence or absence of other mutations or gene variants. Epistatic interactions can occur between mutations within a single gene or different genes. Due to their complex nature, epistatic interactions can have a significant influence on mutational pathways and therefore evolutionary potential and outcome.
Current research interests
My current research focuses on the construction and analysis of mutational landscapes derived from structurally complex cancer types. These landscapes consist of comprehensively characterising the single nucleotide variants (SNVs), simple and complex structural variants (SVs) and copy number alterations (CNAs) from large patient cohorts. This valuable data can then be leveraged to determine epistatic interactions and identify potential driver variants and prognostic biomarkers.Past research interests
My research background is broadly based in molecular biology and bioinformatics. As an undergraduate student, I led my own research in ecological and medical entomology. As a Masters student I used bioinformatics to assess the causes and effects of oak decline. During my PhD, I constructed and characterised the fitness landscapes of structurally complex RNA enzymes. During my first postdoctoral fellowship in Sweden, I used bioinformatics to study the mutational landscapes and epistatic interactions in Saccharomyces yeast hybrids. All of these stages of my career have significantly involved assessing epistatic interactions across mutational and fitness landscapes and developed my bioinformatic skills.Current project grants
Tenovus Scotland Pilot Grant | Using long-read sequncing to reveal clinically relevant structural variation in formalin-fixed cancer samples. 2024-2026, PI ~£25k
Past project grants
Moray Endowment Fund Grant | Illuminating the 'long tail' of high-grade serous ovarian cancer. 2022, PI ~£2k
Alice and Lars Silens Foundation Grant | Structural variation and aneuploidy in hybrid yeast. 2022, PI ~1k
Wenner-Gren Postdoctoral Fellowship for Education in Sweden | Experimental Evolution in Yeast: Investigation of a novel hybridization fitness landscape. 2019-2021, PI ~£61k
Alice and Lars Silens Foundation Grant | Evolutionary capacitance in yeast hybrids revealed by environmental stress. 2019, ~£1k
National Science Foundation - Improving Graduate Student Preparedness for Entering the Workforce Supplemental Funding. 2016, ~£10k
Idaho State University Molecular Research Core Facility (MRCF) Seed Grant | Uncovering Functions of the Gut Microbiome and the Consequences of Host Diet: A Metagenomic Analysis of Mule Deer. 2016, ~£1k
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Research Scholars Program. 2006-2012, ~£10k
Conference details
- Mutations in Time and Space, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2024
- Cancer Genomics, Heidelberg, Germany, 2023
- Genome Informatics, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY, USA, 2023
- Edinburgh Breast Cancer Special Symposium, Edinburgh, UK, 2023
- Molecular Analysis for Precision Oncology, European Society for Medical Oncology, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2022
- Genome Informatics, Cambridge, UK, 2022
- Functional Regulatory Genomics and Disease, Genetics Society, Edinburgh, UK, 2022
- Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, virtual, 2021
- Evolution, virtual, 2021
- RNA, virtual, 2021
- EMBL Conference: Molecular Mechanisms in Evolution and Ecology, virtual, 2020
- LRUA: Long-Read Sequencing, Uppsala, Sweden, 2019
- RiboWest RNA Society, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2017
- Evolution, Portland, OR, USA, 2017
- RNA, Berkeley, CA, USA 2017
- Ecological Society of America, Sacramento, CA, USA, 2014
- Entomological Society of America, San Diego, CA, USA, 2010
- The University of Edinburgh - Institute of Genetics and Cancer Early Career Researchers Travel Grant ~£1k 2022
- Biomolecular Sciences Graduate Programs Outstanding Student of the Year 2017
- Boise State University Graduate Student Showcase - Best BMOL Student Poster Presentation Award 2017
- RiboWest RNA Society Travel Award ~£200 2017
- RiboWest RNA Society Runner Up Talk Award 2017
- The Afanasiev Distinguished Graduate Fellowship Award ~£1k 2013
- 11th Annual New Mexico State University Research Council Fair Award Winner 2011
- New Mexico State University Dean’s List 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011
- New Mexico State University Crimson Scholar 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011