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Name Role Business unit(s)
Dr Francesca Baseby Research Services Manager
Dave Baskill Senior Project & Programme Manager | Educational Design and Engagement | Learning, Teaching and Web Services, ISG
Johanna Basnak PhD Linguistics & English Language
Susie Bass Philanthropy Manager - College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Megan Bastick
Dr Mark Bastin Reader
Dr Nizar Batada
Danny Bate PhD Linguistics & English Language
Benjamin Bateman Senior Lecturer in Post-1900 British Literature
Professor Crispin Bates Professor of Modern and Contemporary South Asian History
Lawrence E Bates Post Doctoral Researcher
Timothy Bates Professor
Catherine Bateson PhD Student - History
Simon Bateson Co-Director (Froebelian Futures) & Research Associate (Froebel MSc)
Colin Bathgate
Fraser Bathgate Enquiry Management Assistant
James Bathgate Computing and Research Technologist
Dr. Nick Batho Lecturer in the History of the Americas
Dr Nick Batho Teaching Fellow in Modern US History; Twentieth Century United States
Henrique Batista Developer