Colin Bathgate
Thesis title: The Invention of Ownership in Scottish Legal Thought
PhD supervisors:
Colin joined the School of Law at the University of Edinburgh in September 2019. Prior to this he completed his LL.B (Hons) in Scots and English Law at the University of Aberdeen. He spent a semester abroad studying on an LLM course at the Beijing Normal University in China.
Upon graduating from the University of Aberdeen, Colin studied a research MPhil at Wolfson College, University of Cambridge. This course was administered by the Department of Land Economy under the supervision of Professor Martin Dixon. The thesis was entitled 'Exclusionary Rights in Scotland' and was awarded subject to corrections in October 2019.
Colin is currently pursuing a PhD in Law at the University of Edinburgh. His thesis focusses on the development of the Scots Law of ownership with particular reference to foreign and indigenous writings.
LL.B (Hons) with English Law
MPhil in Land Economy by Thesis
Research summary
Colin's research interests are in the areas of legal history, Scots law and property law. He has a particular interest in the doctrinal development of the Scots law of ownership.