Mr Mark Gerrard |
Animal Care Assistant (ACA) Twilight |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Dr Rena Gertz |
Data Protection Officer |
Ophélie Gervais |
Core Scientist - Research Fellow |
Magdalena Getler |
Head of Digital Services |
- Moray House School of Education and Sport
- Centre for Open Learning
- Digital Services
Dr Masoud Ghaderi Zefreh |
Core Scientist |
Ali Gharaviri |
Research Fellow in Computational Cardiac Electrophysiology |
Dr Almas Gheyas |
Research Fellow |
- The Roslin Institute
- Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Dr Emilie Ghio |
Lecturer in Corporate and Insolvency Law |
Dr Alysa Ghose |
Lecturer in Religion and Decolonisation |
Rishav Ghosh |
MSc Student |
Valentina Giai |
Natalia Giannakopoulou |
Resident in Ophthalmology |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
- Hospital for Small Animals
Mrs Geraldine Giannopoulos |
BVM&S Admissions Officer |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Dr Soledad Giardili |
Lecturer |
Ylenia Giarratano |
Research Fellow |
Dr Julie Gibbings |
Senior Lecturer |
- School of History, Classics and Archaeology
- Senior Lecturer in the History of the Americas
Samuel Gibbon |
Research Fellow in Retinal Image Analysis |
- Usher Institute
- Google scholar
Natalia Gibczynska |
Estates Business Services Manager |
- Estates Department
- Estates Business Services
Dr Douglas Gibson |
Sir Henry Dale Fellow |
Gillian Gibson |
Animal Care Assistant |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
- Hospital for Small Animals