Natascha Gentz / 费南山 (FRSE)
Chair of Chinese Studies

- Asian Studies
- School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
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Natascha Gentz (Vittinghoff) joined the university as Chair of Chinese Studies in 2006. She was founding Director of the Confucius Institute for Scotland in the University of Edinburgh and in this position until 2021. She was Head of Department of Asian Studies from 2007 - 2010, Dean International China since 2008 after which she became Assistant Principal (China) in 2015 . From 2012 to 2013 Natascha Gentz was invited as Research Fellow at the International Consortium for Research in the Humanities (IKGF) in Erlangen. In 2014 she was elected as Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. She served as member for the Area Studies Panel for REF 2014 and REF 2021. In 2016 she was invited Visiting Fellow at Cheng-chi University, Taipei, and in 2017 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is member of a number of executive boards of local and international organisations.
Natascha Gentz took her MA (1994) and PhD (1998) degrees at Heidelberg University, Germany. Her studies included residences at Fudan University, Shanghai (1988-1990, DAAD), Renmin University, Beijing (1995-1996) (DAAD), Tokyo University (Monbusho) and The University of Hong Kong (1996 and 1997, DAAD). After a post-doc position at the University of Goettingen (1998-2000) in a research consortium funded by the Volkswagen Stiftung, she received an independent research grant by the German Research Foundation (2000-2002), while maintaining teaching fellowships in the Chinese Studies departments at Heidelberg and Göttingen University. In 2002 she was appointed as Junior Professor at Frankfurt University, from where she came to Edinburgh.
Her publications include two monographs on contemporary Chinese political drama and the history of modern Chinese journalism in the context of transcultural negotiations of the colonial empire, two edited volumes on global knowledge transfer in Late Qing China and on how global media are shaping cultural identities today, two edited volumes on transculturality in Late Imperial China and Modern China along with a number of journal articles and book chapters as outlined in the full publication section below. She also co-curated two exhibition catalogues and translated a novel and short stories by the Nobel Laureate Gao Xingjian.
Her research broadly covers the study of modern Chinese literature, theatre, media, and conceptual history from a historical, political and transcultural perspective. Keen on engaging with the wider public and community she has organised a number of international conferences , lectures and workshops, but also a variety of China related cultural events in her capacity as CI Director from 2006-2021 –ranging from award winning NGO Fringe Festival drama performances by female migrant workers from Beijing or independent documentary film makers to events with Chinese celebrity writers, directors, actors and film-makers participating at the International Festivals in Edinburgh.
Responsibilities & affiliations
- Assistant Principal, China
- Editor of EUP East Asian Studies Series with Wang Der-wei (Harvard) and Matthias Zachmann (FU Berlin)
- Editor of Modern Chinese Literature and Culture with Christopher Rosenmeier (UoE)
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Current PhD students supervised
Stephanie Cheuk Wong – The Canonisation of the Sanguo yanyi from Ming to Modern China
Li Xinyi – Commodities in Digital Media? Female Anchors in Live Streaming Portals
Di Zhang - Metropolis, Semi-colony, and Modern Girls - Rethinking the Shanghai Modern and Visual Modernity in the 1930s : a case study of the The Women's Pictorial
Zhang Li – Military-Themed Novels, Cultural Populism and Cyber Nationalism in the Xi Jinping Era
Past PhD students supervised
Wang Ziying - China's City Diplomacy and Legitimacy ---- The Shenzhen Story
Piotr Krzysztof Strzalkowski - Red Scare in China: Caricatures, Anti-Communist Propaganda, and the Foreign-Press in Interwar Shanghai 1924-1937.
Robert Zipeng Li - Defective Online Public Opinion? Analysing the Effectiveness and Validity of Online Public Expression in China: A Case Study of the 2015 Tianjin Explosion
Keung Hiu Man - The Private Stage: A Study on Chinese Printed Drama by Bai Wei and Yuan Chang-ying, 1922-1936
Avina Avital - Revolution in Pain(t): A Semiotic Reading of Chinese Cultural Revolution Propaganda Posters and Female Motivated Violence (1966-1968)
Ji Lingjie - Translating “Literature”: Western literature in Late-Qing China, 1807-1895
Gu Tian - Tragic Concepts and Artistic Manifestations between Chinese and Western Classical Literature
Wang Shuman - Investigating BBC’s and FT’s Online News Portals’ Operations in China Through Comparison between Their Chinese and English Online News Portals
Lara Arnason - The Global Player: Public Discourse, Law and Practice of Online Gaming in China
Cui Ying - Representations of Chinese Migrant Workers in Local Newspapers
Sun Xiaoyi - Chinese Popular Women Lifestyle TV Shows in Comparative Perspective
Jie Xiaowei - Television in a Reformed China: A Case Study of the New Years Shows in the Reform Era
Zheng Ji - Nationalism, consumerism, and the stardom in Shanghai in Republican China
Wei Zhou - Peony in Bloom: Pai Hsien-yung and the Conservation of Chinese Kunqu Opera
Meng Pei - The Politics and Practice of Transculturation: Chinese Autobiographic Narratives Crossing Into English
Shim Tae-shik - Zhu Guangqian's Poetic Theory
Research summary
Generally speaking Professor Gentz is interested in the historical evolution of cultural exchanges between China and other cultural spaces/nations represented in texts, media and performance.
She has written on the history of Chinese media, the global transfer of scientific knowledge in the 19th and early 20th century, modern Chinese historical drama and contemporary literature and also translated works by the first Chinese nobel laureate Gao Xingjian.
Knowledge exchange
Editorial roles
Editor of the East Asian Studies Series by University of Edinburgh Press with David Wang Der-wei (Harvard University) and Michael Zachmann (Free University Berlin)
Editor of the Journal Modern Chinese Literature and Culture by University of Edinburgh Press with Christopher Rosenmeier (UoE)
Editorial Board Member:
International Communication of Chinese Culture (2014 - )
Journal of the British Association for Chinese Studies (BACS) (2011 - )
The China Quarterly(2010 – 2020)
Zhongguo xueshu (2004 –2010)
Research Collaborations
- 2006 - 2013: Chinese Encyclopedias. D5 Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context: Shifting Asymmetries in Cultural Flows" at Heidelberg University.
- 2004 - 2013: Akteure der kulturellen Globalisierung, 1860 - 1930 (Actors of cultural globalisation), Berlin, Wissenschaftskolleg (DFG).
- 2002 - 2003: The Birth of Tragedy in China Global Negotiations of a Local Genre (DFG).
- 1999 - 2000: Chinese Technical Terms- Western Knowledge and Lexical Change in Late Imperial China. (VW Foundation)
- 1996 - 1998: Transformation of European Expansion - The Chinese Language Press in Shanghai (DFG).
Academic Memberships and Affiliations
AREA Ruhr Advisory Board (Bochum), (2015 - )
Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (2014-)
British Academy East Asia Panel Member (2012 - 2018)
REF Area Studies Sub panel member (2014, 2021)
Research Fellow of the University of Heidelberg, Sinology Department (2000 - )
Elected Board Member of the China Universities Committee London (UCCL) (2006-2009)
Elected Board Member of the British Association for Chinese Studies (BACS) (2009 – 2012)
German-American Frontiers of Humanities (GAFOH, American Philosophical Society (APS) and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
External Engagement
Advisory Board SWIRE Chinese Language Centre (2016 - )
Universities Scotland China Group (2014 - 2019)
Scotland China Business Forum (2014 –2021)
48 Group Club in Scotland Advisory Committee (2010 - 2014)
Scottish Government China Plan Stakeholder Group (2012 - 2016)
Scotland School Strategy China Group, Scottish Government (2010- 2012)
British Council China Group (2009 – 2010)
RZSS Giant Panda Learning Advisory Board (2011 -2017 )
Vice Chairman of the Scotland China Chamber of Commerce (2009 -2011)
Scottish Cross Party Parliament Group China (2009 - )
Board member of Language, Linguistics and Area Studies (LLAS) (2008 - 2010)
Board member of the Scotland China Educational Network (SCEN) (2008 - 2021)
Research Grants/ Conferences
International Conference “Translating Western Knowledge into Late Imperial China“, Göttingen, December 1999 (VW)
International Workshop “China and Japan: Transcultural Interaction and its Impact on Language and Identity“, June 2000 (VW)
International Conference "Cultural Identities and Media Representations" November 2001. (DFG)
International Conference "Cultural Migrations in Late Qing and Early Republican China“, 2004 (DFG)
Visiting Professor: Andrs Dusan, Charles University Prague 2004/05 (HERTIE Foundation)
International Lecture Series: “China – from Middle Kingdom to New Center of Asia?”, 2005 (Deutsche Bank)
Asia Link Conference, interKULTUR, (with Göttingen, Nanjing, Beijing. Anhui), 2008
Taiwan Scholar visiting programme in collaboration with SOAS, Tuebingen, Heidelberg University, 2008-2010 (Chiang Ching-kuo)
International workshop "Old Chinese" (with Harvard, Leuven, Cambrigde, Oxford, Lampeter), 2009
International Conference "Inside Out, Chinese Women writers in exile" (PEN), 2010
International workshop “Chinese Modern Culture”, with Peking University, Taiwan National University, Hongkong Chinese University, 2010
Tsinghua Forum on Modern Chinese Politics and Economics. Lectures by Professors Yan Xuetong, Wang Tianfu, Long Denggao, and Liu Taoxiong, 2011
Fellowship Professor Wang Hui, IASH (Tsinghua University, Peking), 2011
International workshop “Cultural Globalisation in Historical Perspective: Actors, Arts and Artefacts”, (with Humboldt University and FU Berlin), 2013
International Conference "Poster Art of Modern China 1913–1997", 2014
"James Legge Conference" (with the Centre for Study of World Christianity,) University of Edinburgh, 2015
Military Ethics: Ethics Education, Decision Making and Scholastic Traditions, 2015
Fellowship, Professor Zhang Longxi, City University of Hong Kong, 2015
International Conference "Sustainable Silk Roads" (with World Alliance for Low Carbon Cities China-Britain Business Council and Edinburgh Centre for Carbon
Innovation (ECCI), 2017
- “The Role and Perception of Confucius Institutes in the UK”, Peking University Global Studies Forum, Area Studies Centre, 22 October 2019.
- “Arts and Craft in Revolutionary China”, Introduction to “Memories on Fabric, Textiles from Revolutionary China”, Riddles Court, Edinburgh, 26 September 2019.
- “Lunchtime talk to Samson Young’s Exhibition Real Music”, Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh, 20 September 2019.
- “A Late Qing journalist misfit: Ying Lianzhi and the founding of the Tianjin Dagongbao”, UK East Asian Studies Conference, University of Edinburgh, 4-6 September 2019.
- “Exploration of overseas educational and research centres”, Panel Forum, China-UK University Presidents’ Round-table discussion, Oxford, 6 June 2019.
- “New Means of Global Communication in China’s long 19th century”, Workshop on China’s Long Nineteenth Century, The British Museum, London, 21 February, 2019
- “The Belt and Road Initiative and Textile and Fashion Design Education” Keynote at 2018 Textile & Fashion Education World Conference, Donghua University, 08-09 December 2018.
- “President’s Forum” Global CI conference, Chengdu, 3-4 December 2018.
- “Chinese Media Concepts and Theories in Historical Perspective”, Workshop, The Maria Sibylla Merian International Centre China, Berlin, 16-17 November 2018.
- "Terms of Transformations: The Importance of Late Qing Translation Studies Today”, World Sinology Conference, Renmin University, Beijing, 3-5 November 2018.
- “Urban Culture, Politics of Toys and Visionary Science in East Asia: Past and Present” Panel Chair and Discussant, 6th Yun Posun Symposium, University of Edinburgh, 8-9 October 2018.
- “The Necessity for Confucius Institutes to Conduct Academic Research and Establish New Think Tanks”, UK and Ireland Annual CI Conference, Sheffield, 10-12 September 2018.
- “In the Realm of the Senses: Mapping China’s Modern Sensorium”, Panel Chair and Discussant, 19-20 June 2018.
- “Jiang Qing (1914-1991) from Multiple Perspectives” Panel Chair and Discussant, AAS Washington, 22-26 March, 2018.
- “The REF in the UK: Benefits, Issues and Recommendations”, Hong Kong University of Education, 26 February 2018.
- “CI President’s Forum”, Global CI Conference, Xian, 10 - 12 December 2017.
- “Sinology as Regional or Global Area Studies – Taking the BRI as Case Study”, Intl Conference, “Understanding China: the Relevance of Sinologies, World Conference on Sinology”, 28-29 November 2017.
- “Chinese notions of Press Freedom in a historical perspective”, Keynote Lecture, Geneva University, 14 November 2017.
- “Translating Modern Media Concepts in Late Qing China” Keynote Lecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 26October 2017.
- “The Invention of News in Late Qing Newspapers”, Graduate Seminar Lecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 24October 2017.
- “China’s Future Engagement in Asia and Beyond: the Belt and Road Initiative”, Int’l Workshop, The Future in East Asia, the Pacific & Beyond, University of Edinburgh, 20 October 2017.
- CI Director’s Forum, Global CI Conference, Xiamen, 08-11 December
- “Transnational negotiations of terms and concepts related to the idea of “Press Freedom” in Late Qing China”, conference paper at “Power of Language, Language of Power: Where Concepts Meet Political History” at National Chengchi University co-organized with by The Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and National, 18-19 November 2016.
- “Networks of Communication in Early Chinese Newspapers”, “Conflicts, Trials and Negotiations: Early Chinese newspapers and legal rights” and “From News to New Knowledge – Early Chinese newspapers and new terminology”, Keynotes Peng Huang Ya-Shian Humanities Lectures, Taiwan, Chengchi University, 11, 14 & 16 November 2016.
- CI Directors’s Forum, Global CI Conference, Shanghai, 03-06 December 2015.
- „Beijing Migrant Women as actors and playwrights”, Workshop on Women Life-Writing, Manchester, 29-30 June 2015.
- “Area Studies in the UK”, Grundsatzfragen der Area Studies” Milano, Villa Vigoni, April 2015.
- “The Purpose of Sinological Training”, International Workshop “Rethinking Sinology”, Leuven, January 2015.
- “The position of China-related research in the British social sciences and humanities", International Conference on “China in the Global Academic Landscape”, Hannover, Oct 2014.
- “Wanqing Zhongguo xinwenchuban jie yu fating de chongtu", Peking University. 6 May 2014.
- "From Modernity to Tradition? Reflections on Chinese Media in Historical Perspective. International Symposium "Chinese Cultural Modernity: Ciritical Reflections", Newcastle, 10 February 2014.
- “Fate, Freedom and Will in Late Qing Discourse on “Chinese Tragedies", International Consortium for the Study of Humanities, Erlangen, 22 January 2013
- “Revisiting the 'New' and 'Foreign' in Late Qing Chinese Journalism", presented at the conference From Qing to China: Rethinking the Interplay of Tradition and Modernity, 1860-1949, Tel Aviv University, 20-22 May 2012.
- “The Transformation of the Public Sphere in Late Imperial and Modern China", China Seminar Series, University of Nottingham, 15 November 2011
- “Historical semantic reading of visual representations of Jiang Qing on propaganda posters”, BACS annual conference, Edinburgh, 7-9th of September 2011
- “A Conversation with Wang Hui: Contemporary Chinese Thought”, Continental Shifts Lecture Series, Edinburgh International Festival, 29th August 2011.
- “Ying Lianzhi and the founding of the Tianjin Dagongbao”, Treaty Ports in Modern China, University of Bristol, 7-8th July 2011. Also Chair and final round table discussant.
- Invited Panel commentator and final round table discussant at Gender and Transcultural Production: Chinese Women’s Journals in their global context, 1900-2000, SOAS London, 13-15th May, 2011.
- “Early Chinese student migration and the politics of maintaining boundaries”, Third European Congress on World and Global History, LSE, 14th-17th April 2011.
- “Chinese Press Laws in 19th century - regulating public communication, invited lecture for China Studies group, University of Aberdeen, March 1st, 2011.
- “The Emergence of Modern Chinese Literature and Drama Studies as a Discipline”, Symposium on Modern Chinese Literature, Oxford University, 4th November 2010.
- Discussant at the international forum Zhongwen jiaoyu de guoqu, xianzai yu weilai, Peking University, 24th October 2010.
- “The Shenbao and the politics of “fair public discussion” in the transnational context of Late Qing China”, International Symposium on the Cooperation among Libraries for East Asian Resources and Chinese Newspaper Digitalization, Green Apple, Changsha, October 2010.
- “Rules vs Rumours: The politics of rightful communication in Late Qing China”, The Power of information in shaping Chinese Modernity: a historical investigation from the Late Qing to Early Republican, Royal Holloway University London, September 2010.
- “Keyword of Chinese Modernity”, International workshop “Chinese Modern Culture”, with Peking University, Taiwan National University, Hongkong Chinese University, Edinburgh University, August 2010.
- “Early Chinese Student Migration and the Politics of Maintaining Boundaries”, Globalisation in Historical Perspective: Actors, Arts and Artefacts”, Edinburgh University, May 2010, in collaboration with Humboldt University and FU Berlin.
- “Confucianism and the Modern World” invited talk for Morningside Peace Group.
- “The Nobel Laureate Gao Xingjian” Invited talk for the Scotland China Association.
- “Clashes with the court: legal conflicts for printers, publishers and journalists in Late Qing China” Intl Conference on Global Publishing in Honkong and Shanghai, Hongkong, Nov 2009.
- “Opening Pandora’s Box: Repercussions of the Cultural Revolution in contemporary China”, Lecture series China@60, University of Edinburgh, Nov 2009.
- “May Fourth and the Birth of Chinese Drama Theory”, Keynote Lecture at Intl Conference on The May Fourth Movement and Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature, May Fourth Conference, Peking, April, 2009.
- “Chinese Media concepts in historical perspective”, Invited lecture for seminar series at Manchester, Centre for Chinese Studies, February 2009.
- “Talking to the World”, Chair of the media panel, Edinburgh Lecture Series, University of Edinburgh, 27th Oct, 2008.
- “Coming to terms with new concepts: translingual practice in China and Japan” Keynote lecture at 11th Annual International Conference on Conceptual History: Global-Historical Diffusion of Western Concepts and the Transformation of Northeast Asian Regional Orde, Seoul National University, Sep. 18-19, 2008.
- Chair of “Focus on China”sessions at the Edinburgh International Book Festival, August, 2008.
- “Good News Bad Stories: Changing conceptions of “News Values” in Chinese Media Theory” Annual Conference of EACS, Lund, August 2008.
- “From News (xinwen) to New Knowledge (xinxue): Newspapers as Sources for Early Modern Encyclopaedias”, AAS annual meeting, CHINA AND INNER ASIA SESSION 198, 3-6 April 2008, Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, GA.
- “Chinese media concepts in a historical perspective” invited by The University of Cambridge Department of East Asian Studies, 12 November 2007, Cambridge
- „Die chinesische Presse der Jahrhundertwende im internationalen Kontext“, Symposium der Goettinger Akademie der Wissenschaften Ausgewaehlte Kulturphaenomene um 1900 im internationalen Kontext, 19-20 January 2007.
- “From Tears to Tragedy and Trauerspiel (beiju) in Chinese Drama” Intl Conference: Paths Towards Modernity: Conference on the Occasion of the centenary of Jaruslav Prusek, Prague, 12-15th October, 2006.
- Gao Xingjian und die Bücher eines einsamen Nobelpreisträgers, East Asia Seminar of the University of Göttingen, 13. July 2006.
- The Birth of Chinese Tragedy: global ramifications of a local genre, IIAS Network, Amsterdam, 24 April, 2006.
- “Civilised drama” (wenmingxi) reconsidered: The birth of Sino-Japanese tragedies in Late Qing China, lecture on the Annual Association for Asian Studies, April 4-7, 2006. Chair of the panel: China and its Japanese Other
- Invited to the International Workshop on Early Modern Chinese Encyclopedias 1894-1911: Changing Chinese Ways of Thought in Response to the West and Japan”, Milena Dolezelova-Velingerova, April, Heidelberg
- “!New models for old Missions: The transformation of men-of-letters into professional journalists in 19th century China,” invited to 2nd Annual German-American Frontiers of Humanities Symposium (GAFOH), sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) and the U.S. American Philosophical Society (APS), Hamburg, 20.-23. October 2005.
- “The Pleasure of Sadness: tragic passions in transcultural performances in Late Qing China” invited by „China Seminar“ of Sinology Department, Leiden University, 28. September 2005.
- „Zwischen Kunst und Kulisse: Zur Entstehung des modernen chinesischen Theaters auf den Bühnen Pekings, Tokyos und Shanghais“, invited by the German China Society, Köln, 16. June 2005
- “The birth of tragedy in China and Japan: Explorations into the Invention and Demise of a Genre in Chinese Drama History”, Public lecture in the context of the research colloquium, Sinologie Frankfurt, 2 February, 2005.
- „The Cultural Revolution in the Internet: A Revolution of Cultural Memory?“, European Association for Chinese Studies, Heidelberg 25-27 August 2004.
- „The birth of tragedy in China”, Intl. Conference: Cultural Migrations in Late Qing and Early Republican China, 23-24. August 2004, Sinology Frankfurt.
- „Habermas in China”, »Chinaforschung - Chinabilder - Chinabezüge invited by Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität“, 8.-11. July 2004, Sinology Frankfurt.
- „Transformation of the Chinese Public Sphere in 19th and Early 20th century China“, invited by Jürgen Osterhammel and Jürgen Kocka to the Int’l. Conference, "The Course of Modernization in the Countries and Regions of East Asia. Temporal Patterns in the 29th Century. Beijing, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, April 7-9th, 2004.
- „The New in the Nineteenth Century Chinese Newspapers: Actors, Texts, and Strategies”, 54th Annual Meeting of the Association of Asian Studies, San Diego, March 4-7, 2004.
- „Die Internationalisierung der chinesischen Schauspiel- und Filmbühne im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert“, Filmworkshop „Lokale, nationale und transnationale Dimensionen im frühen chinesischen Film: Vorbilder, Einflüsse, Interaktionen“, 5.- 6. February 2004, Sinology Frankfurt. Introduced paper.
- “Shi, shang, shen: jindai Shanghai shimin zhi shehui wangluo yu xixue de pujihua”, invited to the Int’l Conference, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, December 2003. Panel discussant.
- “Pluralismus und Pressefreiheit in Chinas langem 19. Jahrhundert“. Annual conference of the DVCS, November 2003, Köln.
- „Press Freedom and Political Radicalisation in 19th Century Shanghai“, invited by Arif Dirlik to the Int’l Conference, “From the Book to the Internet: Communication Technologies, Human Motions and Cultural Formations in Eastern Asia.”,University of Oregon, October 16-18, 2003.
- „Zhonguo xinwen shiye yu wan Qing gongzhong lingyu de bianzhuang (Der chinesische Journalismus und die Transformation der öffentlichen Sphäre in der späten Qing Zeit). Invited to Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Institute for History, 21 March 2003.
- „Naming the Self and the Other: Negotiations on Correct International Terms for Nations, Rulers and the People in 19th Century China“ invited to the international workshop „Transnational Dimensions of the Chinese Press, 1850-1949,“ University of Oregon, 25-26. October 2002.
- „1934: Jiang Qing's "Year of Nora": Female Interactions on Political and Theatrical Stages“ Invited to the international conference „Women in Republican China“ east Asian seminar of Freien Universität Berlin, 7- 10. October 2002
- „Zhengming in transkultureller Interaktion: Diskussionen zu den Bezeichnungen von Chinesen und Ausländern im 19. Jahrhundert“ Invited to the Symposium on the occasion of 70th Birthday by Professor Wolfgang Lippert, attaining, 2- 3. May 2002
- „The Internationalisation of Scientific Knowledge Production in 19th Century China“: Annual Meeting of the Association of Asian Studies, Washington, 4-9. April 2002. Organisation of the panel.
- „In the Heat of the Night: Shanghai’s Electrification and the Contingency of Social Practice“ Invited to the conference „Measuring Historical Heat: Event, performance and Impact in China and the west “, Heidelberg, 4-5 November 2001
- „Students Abroad and Teachers at Home? Early Educational Programmes to Study (in) the West in 19th and Early 20th Century China“ and invited as chair and discussant to the panel „Cultural transfer into at Unequal Exchange situation “ICAS II, Berlin, 9-12. August 2001. Organisation of the panel.
- „Die ersten chinesischen Studenten und Studentinnen im Ausland“ Guest lecture, on the invitation by Prof. Monika Übelhör, Sinology Seminar of the University of Marburg. 28. November 2000.
- „Die Rolle der chinesischen Auslandsstudenten im modernen China“ Guest lecture in the annual meeting of the Association of the Chinese (Taiwan) in Germany for Research and Teachings (VCTDFL), Goettingen, 3-5 November 2000.
- „Zur Rolle der Frauenforschung in den neuen Kulturwissenschaften“, „Frauenrollen im dramatischen Werk der zeitgenössischen Schriftstellerin Xu Pinli (1953 -)“, presented paper and gave lecture on invitation to the Symposium” on other ways? Writing women from the antiquity to the present”, Hamburg, 20. - 22 October 2000.
- „The Micropolitics of Modern Scientific Knowledge Production in Late Qing China“ Biannual Meeting of the EACS, Torino, August 2000. Organisation of the panel.
- „Westliches Wissen in China: Transkultureller Wissenstransfer und die sprachliche Handlungskompetenz seiner Akteure“ DFG round table discussion: Non-European commercial authority in the argument with Europe, IWH Heidelberg, 29 June - 1 July 2000
- „Chinese Students in the World and their Relation to China“ Workshop: China and Japan: Transcultural Interaction and its Impact on Language and Identity, Göttingen, 20 June 2000. Organisation of the workshops.
- „Silenced Newspaper Voices: Liang Qichao and the Conditions of f Chinese Journalism in Late Qing China“ Annual Meeting of the Association of Asian Studies, San Diego, 9- 12. March 2000.
- „‘Freiheit’ in Übersetzung - zur Übersetzung von Wissenskulturen im 19. Jhdt. in China aus der Perspektive der historischen Semantik“ Invitation to the Workshop „translation “of the Graduiertenkollegs” religion and Normativität” in the University of Heidelberg, 11-12 December 1999.
- „Features of an Early Scientific Community: a Prosopographical Study of Translators, Journalists and Scientists in 19th Century China“ International Conference „Translating Western Knowledge into Late Imperial China. University of Göttingen, 6- 9. December 1999. Organisation of the conference.
- „Die Frau auf der Straße: Diskussionen zur Rolle der Frau in der Öffentlichkeit der späten Qing Zeit“Invited to the Symposium „between tradition and revolution. Life of Chinese women at the threshold to the modern trend “. University of Marburg, 26-28 November 1999.
- „Zur Entstehung literaturwissenschaftlicher Theorie im kulturgeschichtlichen Kontext“ invited to lecture of Auswahl einer/s Nachwuchsgruppenleiter/s/rin on the theme „Interkulturalität“ of SFB 511, University of Konstanz, November 1999.
- „Übersetzung und Aufklärung in China. Zur Entstehung der modernen chinesischen Wissenschaftssprache(n) seit dem 19. Jahrhundert“ (together with Joachim Kurtz) Invited by the annual convention of the German society for the study of 18th century „translation and language acquisition “, Potsdam, 7-9 October 1999.
- „Shijiu shiji Zhongguo baozhang yu gonggong lingyu de xingcheng“ Guest lecture on the invitation of Professor Benjamin Tsou from City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, February 1999.
- „Protestanten, Presse und Propaganda in China: Strategien der Aneingung und Selbstbehauptung von chinesischen Journalisten im 19. Jahrhundert“ Deutscher Historikertag, Frankfurt, 8-11. September 1998.
- „Unity vs. Uniformity: On the Prerequisites and Debates of Forming Journalist Associations in China (1895 - 1905)“ ICAS I, Leiden, 25-28 June 1998.
- „Aneignung und Selbstbehauptung der chinesischen Journalisten: Vom schwierigen Umgang mit den Missionarszeitungen“ Closing meeting for the participants of the DFG key program ”Transformation der europäischen Expansion”, Heidelberg, February,1998.
- „Who is the Most Chinese: Market Strategies of Wang Tao ’s Xunhuan Ribao (Hongkong 1874) and Ernest Major’s Shenbao (Shanghai 1872)“ invited to International Conference on Wang Tao and the Modern World. Hongkong, December 1997.
- „Testing the Limits: Reader’s Discussions in the Shenbao and its Consequences (1874 -1875)“ Invited to International Workshop: Press, Reader and Market in China and Asia, Heidelberg, 19-22 October 1997.
- „Chinese Newspaper‘s Response to the West: Strategien der Shenbao und Xunhuan Ribao im Umgang mit westlichen Zeitungsmodellen” Annual meeting of the DFG key program ”Transformation der europäischen Expansion”, Blaubeuren, 10-12 January 1997.
- „Voices From the Readership: Letters-to-the Editor in the First Chinese Dailies in Hongkong and Shanghai“ Biannual Meeting of the EACS, Barcelona, 4.-7. September 1996
- „Duzhe zhi sheng: Shenbao yu Xunhuan Ribao de zui zao de duzhe laixin“ Invitation of Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, 22-23. August 1996.
- „Wang Tao (1828-1897): Pioneering the Hongkong Newspaper Business“ Annual Meeting of the Association of Asian Studies, Honolulu, 11-14 March 1996.
Monographs and Edited Volumes
- Geschichte der Partei entwunden - eine semiotische Analyse des Dramas Jiang Qing und ihre Ehemänner von Sha Yexin (1991). Bochum: projekt Verlag, 1995. 341 pp.
- Die Anfänge des Journalismus in China (1862-1911). (The Beginnigs of Journalism in China). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2002. 507 pp.
- (Ed.) with Michael Lackner, Mapping Meanings. The Field of New Learning in Late Qing China. Leiden: Brill, April 2004. 742 pp.
- (Ed.) with Stefan Kramer, Globalization, Cultural Identities and Media Representations, New York: SUNY (Explorations in Postcolonial Studies Series), 2006. 244pp.
- (Ed.) with Catherine Yeh, Transcultural Perspectives on Late Imperial China, Gossenberg: Ostasien Verlag, 2019. 250pp.
- (Ed.) with Barbara Mittler, Transcultural Perspectives on Modern China, Gossenberg: Ostasien Verlag, 2019. 230pp.
- (Ed.) Selected Poetry by Robert Burns in Chinese Translation. Edinburgh University Press, 2010. Second revised edition 2013. Third revised edition 2019.
- Poster Art of Modern China. With Yang Peiming. Shanghai: Shanghai Propaganda Poster Museum, 2014.
- Memory on Fabric. Textiles of Revolutionary China. With Yang Peiming. Shanghai: Shanghai Propaganda Poster Museum, 2019.
Book Translations
- Auf dem Meer. Erzählungen von Gao Xingjian. Frankfurt: Fischer Verlag, 2000. 96pp.
- Das Buch eines einsamen Menschen. Roman von Gao Xingjian. Frankfurt: Fischer Verlag, 2004. 477pp.
- Die Angel meines Grossvaters. Erzählungen von Gao Xingjian, Frankfurt: Fischer Verlag, 2007. 206pp.
Peer reviewed articles and invited book contributions:
- „History and Heroes Privatim: Transformations of the Theatrical Norm in Sha Yexin´s Historical Dramas“, China Information (Leiden), Spring 1997. S. 81-104.
- „Readers, Publishers and Officials in Contest for a Public Sphere and the Shanghai Newspaper Market in Late Qing“, T'oung Pao, 2001, no. 4-5. S. 393-455.
- „China´s Generation X: Rusticated Red Guards in Controversial Contemporary Plays“, Woei Lien Chong (ed.), China' s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution: Master Narratives and Post-Mao Counternarratives. Rowman Littlefield, 2002. S. 285-318.
- „Unity vs Uniformity: Liang Qichao and the Invention of a ‘New Journalism’ for China“, Late Imperial China, 23.1 (June 2002). S. 97-143.
- “‘British Barbarians’ and ‘Chinese Pigtails’? Translingual Practice in a Transnational Environment in 19th Century Hongkong and Shanghai“, Bryna Goodman (ed.). Special Issue of China Review: „Transnational Dimensions of the Chinese Press“, 4.1 (spring), 2004, 27-54.
- “Introduction” und „Social Actors in the Field of New Learning“, in: ibid. with Michael Lackner (eds.). Mapping Meanings. The Field of New Learning in Late Qing China. Leiden: Brill, 2004, S. 1-22, 75-118.
- „How to Get Rid of China: Ethnicity, Memory and Identity in Gao Xingjian’s Autobiographical Novel One Man’s Bible“, in: ibid. with Stefan Kramer (eds.), Globalisation, Cultural Identities and Media Representations, New York: SUNY. , 2006. S. 119-142. „Useful Knowledge and Proper Communication: Strategies and Models of Publishing Houses in the Formative Stage of the Chinese Press (1872 - 1882)“, Rudolf G. Wagner (ed.), Joining the Global Public. Word, Image and City in the Early Chinese Newspapers 1870 -1910, New York: SUNY, 2007, pp. 47-104.
- „From news xinwen to New knowledge xinxue: Newspapers as sources for Early Modern Chinese Encyclopedias“, in Milena Dolezelova and Rudolf Wagner (eds). Chinese Encyclopaedias of New Global Knowledge (1870-1920): Changing Ways of Thought, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2014, pp. 55-83.
- “Opinions Going Public: Letters to the Editors in China’s Earliest Modern Newspapers“, in: Antje Richter (ed.) A History of Chinese Letters and Epistolary Culture. Leiden: Brill, 2015, 900-932.
- „Fruchtbares Neuland: Experimentierfeld Hongkong im 19. Jahrhundert“, Das Neue China (Berlin), Juni 1997. 23 - 25.
- „Die zwei Körper des Vorsitzenden Mao Zedong“, Asiatische Studien (Zürich), vol. LI, no. 3. (Winter), 1997. S. 823 - 835.
- „Duzhe zhi sheng: Shanghai he Xianggang zui zao baozhi li de duzhi laixin (Die Stimme der Leser: Leserbriefe in den frühesten Tageszeitungen Shanghais und Hongkongs)“, Zhang Zhongli (ed.), Zhongguo jindai chengshi qiye - shehui - kongjian (Privatunternehmen, Gesellschaft und öffentliche Sphäre in der modernen chinesischen Stadt), Shanghai: Shanghai shehui kexueyuan, 1998. S. 260 - 266.
- „`Ungekrönter König´ oder `jämmerlicher Scribent´: Quellen zur Erforschung des sozialen Status von chinesischen Journalisten im 19. Jahrhundert“, Andreas Eckert & Gesine Krüger (eds.), Lesarten eines globalen Prozesses. Quellen und Interpretationen zur Geschichte der europäischen Expansion, Hamburg: Lit.- Verlag, 1998. S. 79 - 90.
- With Irmy Schweiger, „Über das Schwimmen im Ozean“, Zeitschrift für Kulturaustausch, 1998.4. S. 86 - 89.
- „Why did Wang Tao go to Hongkong? Some preliminary observations and questions raised by unpublished documents from the Public Record Office (London)“, Contemporary Historical Review, vol. 1, no. 3, 1999. S. 60 - 68.
- „Protestanten, Presse und Propaganda in China: Strategien der Aneignung und Selbstbehauptung von chinesischen Journalisten im 19. Jahrhundert“, Dietmar Rothermund (ed.), Aneignung und Selbstbehauptung. Antworten auf die europäische Expansion, München: Oldenbourg, 1999. S. 137 - 160.
- „Dunku feimin: Xianggang baoye xianfeng - Wang Tao (The Ne´er-do-well in a Hidden Cave: Wang Tao as Pionier in the Hongkong Newspaper Business)“, übersetzt ins Chinesische von Yang Jiarong, Lin Qiyan & Huang Wenjiang (eds.), Wang Tao yu jindai shijie (Wang Tao and the Modern World), Hongkong: Xianggang jiaoyu tushu gongsi, 2000. S. 313 - 336.
- „Dazwischen und Mittendrin - ein sino-französischer Autor in Bewegung“, in Gao Xingjian, Nächtliche Wanderung, Neckargemünd: Mnemosyne Verlag, 2000. S. 127 - 137.
- „Who is the most Chinese? Patriotism as a Sales Argument and the Market Strategies of Wang Tao's Xunhuan Ribao (1874)“, History and Culture, vol. 2, 2000.
- „Image und Rolle der Auslandsstudenten im modernen China“, Chen Hsiu-chen (ed.), Das neue Jahrtausend Taiwans: soziale Analyse als Basis der fortschrittlichen Entwicklungen. Beiträge zur 21. Jahrestagung des Vereins der Chinesen (Taiwan) in Deutschland für Forschung und Lehre. (Göttingen 3.-5. November 2000), Göttingen, 2000. S. 1 - 25.
- „Ein Leben am Rande des Ruhms: Cai Erkang (1852–1921)“, Christina Neder, Heiner Roetz und Ines-Susanne Schilling (eds.), China in seinen biographischen Dimensionen. Gedenkschrift für Helmut Martin, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2001. S. 195 - 205.
- „Diskurs und Geschichte: Frauen in der Öffentlichkeit in Chinas langem 19. Jahrhundert“, Monika Übelhör (ed.), Zwischen Tradition und Revolution. Lebensentwürfe und Lebensvollzüge chinesischer Frauen an der Schwelle zur Moderne, Marburg: Verlag der Universitätsbibliothek, 2001. S. 11 - 45.
- „Technik und die neue Ordnung der Stadt: Shanghai unter Strom (1850 - 1900)“, Denise Gimpel and Melanie Hanz (eds.), Cheng - All in Sincerity. In Honour of Monika Übelhör, Hamburg, 2001 (Hamburger Sinologische Schriften 2), S.129 - 148.
- „Westliches Wissen in China: transkultureller Wissenstransfer und die sprachliche Handlungskompetenz seiner Akteure“, Harald Fischer-Tiné (ed.), Handeln und Verhandeln. Kolonialismus, transkulturelle Prozesse und Handlungskompetenz, Münster (u.a.) 2002. S. 75–92.
- „Naturwissenschaftsgeschichte (Historiographie)“, Entry in China Handbuch, Brunhild Staiger und Stefan Friedrich (eds.), Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde, 2003, S. 540-541.
- With Hans-Ulrich Vogel. „Naturwissenschaftsgeschichte“, Entry in China Handbuch, Brunhild Staiger und Stefan Friedrich (eds.), Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde, 2003, S. 538-540.
- „Jiang Qing and Nora. Drama and Politics in the Republican Period“, in: Mechtild Leutner & Nicola Spakowski (eds.), Women in China. The Republican Period in Historical Perspective, Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2005. S. 208-241.
- Lexikon entries to „Cankao xiaoxi and Neibu”, and „Study Abroad”„ in: Edward Davis (ed.). Routledge Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture. London: Routledge. 2005, S. 61; 569.
- “Skizze zu den Frauenrollen im dramatischen Werk der zeitgenössischen Schriftstellerin Xu Pinli“, Dorothee Schaab-Hanke & Judit Arokay (eds.), Auf anderen Wegen? Bemerkenswerte Frauen in Ost und Südostasien, Gossenberg: Ostasienverlag, 2007, S. 119-130.
- „Habermas in China – mit der Politik der Mitte ins Reich der Mitte. Dorothea Wippermann und Georg Ebertshäuser (Hrsg.), Wege und Kreuzungen der Chinakund an der J.W. Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt: IKO Verlag für interkulturelle Kommunikation, 2007. S. 249-270.
- “Jiuchan zhishi de lanben” (A model of entangled knowledge). In: Chen Pingyuan, Mi Liena (eds.) Modern Chinese Encyclopedia (Jindai Zhongguo de baike cishu), Beijing: Beijing Daxue chubanshe, 2007, pp. 93-111.
- “The appropriation of Tragedies in Meiji Japan and Late Qing China”, in Olga Lomova (ed.) Path towards Modernity, in Honour of Jaroslav Průšek, Prague: Karolinum Press, 2008., 221-238.
- „Masse, Markt und Monopol. Chinas Medienpolitik im Wandel“,Westend 1, 2008. Institut für Sozialforschung, Frankfurt , pp. 134-145.
- „Verhandlung der Vergangenheit: Narrative der Kulturrevolution in Parteigeschichte, Literatur und populären Medien“, in Chinesische Seelenlandschaften. Die Gegenwart der Kulturrevolution. Tomas Plänkers, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2010, 23-62. [Translated into English as: "Negotiating the Past: Narratives of the Cultural Revolution in Party History, Literature, Popular Media and Interviews". in: Landscapes of the Chinese Soul. The Enduring Presence of the Cultural Revolution. Tomas Plaenkers (ed). London: Karnac, 2014, pp. 1-34.]
- „Die chinesische Presse der Jahrhundertwende im internationalen Kontext“ Ulrich Moeck (Hrsg.) Ausgewählte Kulturphänomene um 1900 in der Perspektive zeitgenössischer Fremdwahrnehmung, Goettingen: Vandehoeck und Rupprecht, 2010, 215-232.
- Über die Anfänge des chinesischen Journalismus in Schottland: auf den Spuren von Andrew Shortrede (? -1858). Fransika Ehmke, Martin Müller (Hrsg.) Reisen im Zwischenraum. Zur Interkulturaltät von Kulturwissenschaft, Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, 2012, pp. 117-133.
- “Wusi yundong yu xiandai xiju lilun de dansheng”, in: Jiedu benwen. Wusi yundong yu Zhongguo xiandai dangdai wenxue. Wang Feng et. al ed. Beijing: Beijing daxue chubanshe, 2014, pp. 189-199.
- “Jiang Qing 江青(1914-1991)”, in In Kerry Brown (Ed.), Berkshire Dictionary of Chinese Biography. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing, 2014, pp. 1430 – 1444.
- “1907, June 1: Global Theatrical Spectacle in Tokyo and Shanghai”, in: David Der-wei Wang (ed.), A New Literary History of Modern China, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2017.
- “Fate, Freedom, and Will in European and Chinese Discourses on Chinese Tragedies” in Iwo Amelung and Joachim Kurtz (eds). Reading the Signs: Philology, History, Prognostication. Festschrift for Michael Lackner, Muenchen: Judicium Verlag, 2018.
- “Ying Lianzhi: A Journaist Misfit Negotiating the Foundation of the Tianjin Dagongbao”, in: (Ed.) with Catherine Yeh, Transcultural Perspectives on Late Imperial China, Gossenberg: Ostasien Verlag, 2019, pp. 201-228.
- with Joachim Gentz: „Monbusho Scholarships for Chinese and Japanese Studies“, IIAS Newsletter, no. 14 (Autumn) 1997, 30.
- REV „Jo Riley. Chinese Theatre and the Actor in Performance“, China Information, vol. XII, no. 3 (Winter 1997- 1998), 84-185.
- REV „Wu Chunsheng & Zhou Huashan, Women Huozhe“, China Review International, Spring 1998, 269 - 271.
- „Translating Western Knowledge into Late Imperial China: Introduction to the Modern Chinese Scientific Terminology Project“, Contemporary Historical Review, vol. 2, no. 2, 1999, 42 - 44.
- REV „Constantin von Hanneken. Briefe aus China. 1879 - 1886. Als deutscher Offizier im Reich der Mitte“, Asiatische Studien, vol. LIII, no. 4, 1999, 995 - 998.
- REV „David Pollard (ed.), Translation and Creation. Readings of Western Literature in Early Modern China, 1840 -1918“, China Review International, Spring 2000, 195 - 198.
- „Der chinesische Literaturnobelpreisträger Gao Xingjian - ein sinofranzösischer Autor in Bewegung“, Mitteilungsblatt der Deutschen China-Gesellschaft, 43.2 (2000), 19-23.
- REV „Ewald Heck, Wang Kangnian (1860–1911) und die Shiwubao,„ Ètudes Chinoises, 2002.
- Various commented bibliographic entries in Michael Lackner (eds.), Western Knowledge in Late Imperial China, 1800 - 1911. An Annotated Bibliography., Leiden Brill. Forthcoming.
- REV Kühner, Hans. Die Lehren und die Entwicklung der „Taigu-Schule“. Eine dissidente Strömung in einer Epoche des Niedergangs der konfuzianischen Orthodoxie, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz,1996. Zhongguo Xueshu 16.4 (2003), 281-284.
- „Shanghai gestern und heute: Mythos und Nische der Innovation“. Frankfurt Forschung 2, 2004, 8-14.
- REV Klaus Mühlhahn, Herrschaft und Widerstand in der Musterkolonie Kiautschou. Interaktionen zwischen China und Deutschland, 1897-1914. München: Oldenbourg Verlag, 2000“. Zhongguo xueshu, 21 (2005). Xx.
- „Was einem Kavalier so bleibt: Xu Xings Romandebüt zwischen Arglosigkeit und Auflehnung“, Neue Rundschau, 116.1 (2005), 180-184.
- REV „Anchee Min, Die Letzte Kaiserin“. Aus dem Englischen von Angelika Cordes. Krüger Verlag, 2005. eins – Entwicklungspolitik. Information Nord und Süd, 5.2006 (März), 53-54.
- REZ „Shan Sa, Kaiserin“, Aus dem Französischen von Elsbeth Ranke, München, Zürich: Piper, 2005. eins – Entwicklungspolitik. Information Nord und Süd,
- REV „Wei Hui, Marrying Buddha“. Berlin: Ullstein Verlag, 2005. Übersetzung aus der autorisierten englischen Fassung von Susanne Hornfeck. eins – Entwicklungspolitik. Information Nord und Süd,
- REV „Eggert, Marion: Vom Sinn des Reisens“. Chinesische Reiseschriften vom 16. bis zum frühen 19. Jahrhundert Wiesbaden 2004, Geschichte Transnational, 2006.
- REV "Christopher Reed. Gutenberg in Shanghai. Chinese Print Capitalism, 1876-1937. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2004.", Journal of Chinese Studies 46 (2006) ( Zhongguo wenhua yanjiu xuebao) pp. 475-478.
- REV “Mark Leonard. What does China Think?” London, 2008. Edinburgh Review, August 2008, pp. 154-156.
- “Documentary Photography in China” in Edinburgh Review No. 124, 2008. pp. 19-31.
- “The First Chinese Nobel Laureate” in Edinburgh Review No. 124, 2008. pp. 116-121.
- “Media Management. Natascha Gentz assesses developments in the Chinese Media over the past 60 years”, China Review, Issue 48, Autumn 2009 10-13.
- “Using the Creative Industries as a base for Engagement”, China Britain Business Review, July/August 2010, pp 10-11.
- Edited. Selected Poetry by Robert Burns in Chinese Translation. Edinburgh University Press, 2010. Second revised edition 2013.
- REV Lin Shu, Inc.: Translation and the Making of Modern Chinese Culture by Michael Gibbs Hill, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies , Volume 74, Number 2, December 2014 pp. 337-347
Translated articles and Short Stories
- „Der Krampf“, (Gao Xingjian), Literaturen, nr. 3, (Dezember) 2000, 108 - 109.
- „Freund“, (Gao Xingjian), Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. 9. December 2000.
- „Translation and Usage of Some Political Terms in Late Qing China (Xiong Yuezhi)“, Übersetzung aus dem Chinesischen, Michael Lackner (eds.), New Terms for New Ideas: Studies in the Formation of Modern Chinese Scientific and Cultural Terminologies (I), Leiden Brill, 2001, 69-94.
- „The reception of concepts of „archeology„ and „prehistory„ in Late Qing China (Su Rongyu)“, in: Michael Lackner und Natascha Vittinghoff (eds). Mapping Meanings, loc. cit., 2004, 423-450.
- „Formation and Dissemination of Japanese and Chinese Geographical Terms (Arakawa Kiyohide)“, in: Michael Lackner und Natascha Vittinghoff (eds). Mapping Meanings, loc. cit., 2004, 451-470.
- „Military Ranks in Late Imperial China (Ma Jun)“, in: Michael Lackner und Natascha Vittinghoff (eds). Mapping Meanings, loc. cit., 2004, 143-170.
- Wang Hui, “Intuition, Repetition, and Revolution: Six Moments in the Life of Ah Q”, in: The Oxford Handbook of Modern Chinese Literatures, Carlos Rojas and Andrea Bachner, eds., Oxford University Press, 2016 (with Carlos Rojas)