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Name Role Business unit(s)
Matthew Layton (PhD student)
Maria Lazaro Munoz Resident in Small Animal Emergency & Critical Care
Hugo Lázaro Ruiz Language Assistant in Spanish and Associate Tutor (Dissertation Supervisor) in Language Education
Jasmina Lazic Chief Data Technologist
Clara Lazzoni PhD Student - Classics
Huong Le
Kevin Le Later year PhD Student
Gillian Le Fevre
Prof David Leach Dean of Academic Excellence
Tom Leah Research Assistant (Ottersbach Group)
Matthew Lear
Alastair Learmont PhD Student - Economic and Social History
Kirsten Leask Project Manager (Connecting Classrooms), Learning for Sustainability Scotland, IETL
Callum Leavey-Wilson
Philip Leavy MScR student
Tamina Lebek Visiting Student
Leire Ledahawsky
Chase Ledin Lecturer in Social Science and Medicine
Professor Ai-Lan Lee Chair in Organic Chemistry
Bill Lee Deputy Head of Development Services