Hugo Lázaro Ruiz
Language Assistant in Spanish and Associate Tutor (Dissertation Supervisor) in Language Education

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40 George Square, Room 4.16
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- EH8 9JX
Dr Hugo Lázaro Ruiz is a Teaching Assistant in Spanish at the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures. Hugo also works as an Adjunct Profesor at Nebrija University (Madrid, Spain) where he teaches Pragmatics and Intercultural Competence.
His teaching experience includes instructing undergraduate and graduate students from different countries and cultural backgrounds. Hugo has worked at Nebrija University Center for Hispanic Studies, University Alfonso X El Sabio, IES Abroad Foundation, and in several language schools in Madrid (Enforex, CEE Idiomas and International House ).
- PhD in Applied Linguistics, Universidad Nebrija, Spain
- MA in Applied Linguistics, Universidad Nebrija, Spain
- Undergraduate degree in Journalism, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Responsibilities & affiliations
Current membership of professional bodies:
Member, Association ELE UK.
Member, Research Group Foro de multilingüismo, literacidad y educación (ForMuLE), University Complutense of Madrid (Spain)
Peer Reviewer, Foro de Profesores de Español como Lengua Extranjera (ISSN 1886-337X).
Peer Reviewer, Culture, Language and Representation (ISSN 1697-7750).
Peer Reviewer, revised a chapter from the Book Current Perspectives in Language Teaching and Learning in Multicultural Contexts, Thomson Reuters (ISBN: 978-84-1309-934-7).
Peer Reviewer, revised a chapter from the Book Avances investigadores y pedagógicos sobre la enseñanza del español: Aportes desde el context Universitario, School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures, The University of Edinburgh.
Appointments as external examiner:
University Nebrija, MA Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language (2015-2021)
University Nebrija, PhD committee (2017)
International appointments:
University Nebrija (Madrid) visiting lecturer (20-21;21-22). Online teaching of the subject Pragmatics and Intercultural Communication as part of the MA in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language. During my appointment I developed teaching materials, set and mark coursework and assessed students’ performance. I have also supervised Masters’ dissertations.
Kalamazoo College (Michigan, USA). I worked as Study Abroad programme director (17-18;18-19). I advised students regarding both academic and personal issues while they were abroad and I established and maintained professional networks with local organizations, especially with local public schools where students attended as teaching assistants.
Undergraduate teaching
- Foundation Spanish 1
- Spanish 1A Written Tutorial
- Spanish 1A Oral Tutorial
- Spanish 1B Written Tutorial
- Spanish 1B Oral Tutorial
- Spanish 2 Oral Tutorial
- Spanish 2 Written Tutorial
- Year Abroad Online Language Learning Course
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Areas of interest for supervision
Linguistics, Spanish as a Foreign Language, Pragmatics, Intercultural Competence, Cross-cultural studies, LGBTQ+ studies.
Research summary
Hugo´s research interests revolve around the acquisition of Spanish as a Foreign Language, including Intercultural Pragmatics, Sociolinguistic Variation, and how these two disciplines intersect. He founds the study of how what is said might differ from what is communicated during interaction particularly interesting. His current research focuses on Intercultural Pragmatics and cross-cultural communication. He is also interested in LGBTQ+ Studies.
Current research interests
Pragmatics, Intercultural Communication, LGBTQ+ StudiesParticipant
- "Non-Binary Language Use in Spanish as a Foreign Language" as part of the Trans, Non-binary, and Gender Nonconforming (Language) Pedagogies in Higher Education I (Toolkits and Practical Guides) panel session. Durham University, online, 19 April 2023
"Inclusividad en la clase de ELE: Aportaciones de la pedagogía queer". In-person workshop, University College Cork, Ireland, 21 February 2023.
- "Queering Foreign Language Classroom: Tips and teaching materials regarding the inclusion of LGTBQ+ issues". Aberdeenshire Secondary Education Workshop, online, 18 November 2022.
- "Family diversity representations in foreign language coursebooks for beginners: The case of Spanish", Staff Pride Network Research Seminar, The University of Edinburgh, online, 16 November 2022.
- "Aula Queer: materiales didácticos y consejos para el tratamiento de aspectos LGTBIQ+ en la clase de ELE".ELEUK Inclusive Language Research Seminar, online, 14 October 2022.
- "A proposal for a non-gendered inclusive writing style guide in Spanish as a Foreign Language". International Symposium: Lenguaje inclusivo: ¿una rebelión imparable o la desnaturalización de la lengua?, University College Cork, Ireland, 9 September 2022.
- "Heteronormatividad y personas no binarias. Algunas recomendaciones y materiales de enseñanza para abordar la inclusión de temas LGTBIQ+ en el aula de ELE". AHGBI Annual Conference, University of London, 11-13 April 2022.
- "Heteronormativity and non-binary people. Tips and teaching materials regarding the inclusion of LGBTQ+ issues from the Spanish perspective". DELC Teaching Forum, The University of Edinburgh.
- “Homoparentalidad y pluralismo familiar en los manuales de ELE de nivel inicial”, 2nd International Conference on Communication and LGTBQA+ Spaces (MariCorners 21). Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, 2021.
- “Ser y ejercer de profesor(a) de ELE en España: La situación laboral”, 6th Spanish as a Foreign Language Conference: The use of information and communication technologies to teach Spanish as a Foreign Language, Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), 25 May 2020.
- “Las respuestas a los cumplidos en español peninsular. Estudio contrastivo y exploratorio realizado con mujeres madrileñas, valencianas, catalanas, andaluzas y castellanoleonesas”, XXXIII AESLA International Conference, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain), 17 April 2015.
- “El cumplido en la enseñanza de ELE”. 2nd International Conference on Applied Linguistics to Language Teaching: Towards Plurilingualism, Nebrija University (Madrid, Spain), 27 June 2014.
- “Compliment Responses among Japanese and Spanish University Students”, I International Conference on Applied Linguistics to Language Teaching: Towards Plurilingualism, Nebrija University (Madrid, Spain), 29 September 2012.
Attendee, Sociolinguistics online seminars: the norm, the standard, and the normative. Critical seminar on the value of the norm and standard, University of Alicante, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, 13 May 2020, (5 hours)
- "Normativization, Standarization and Normalization in Valencian Community", presented by Dr. Antoni Mas i Miralles from Alicante University (Spain).
- “The future of languages in the Arab world”, presented by Dr. Naima Benaicha Ziani from Alicante University (Spain).
- “German: the influence of the norm on the perception of varieties”, presented by Dr. Elena Sánchez López from Alicante University (Spain).
- “A diachronic approach to the study of gender identity in language", presented by Dr. Esther Linares Bernabéu from Alicante University (Spain)
Attendee, Research seminars on Linguistics Applied to the teaching of Languages, Nebrija University, Department of Applied Languages, Madrid (Spain)
- “La investigación cuantitativa y el análisis estadístico en Lingüística Aplicada”, presented by Dr. Irini Mavrou from Nebrija University (Spain), July 3-4, 2014, 10 hours.
- “El uso del corpus en las investigaciones de ELE”, presented by Dr. Kris Buyse from leuven University(Belgium), April 7-8, 2014, 10 hours.
- “La pragmática y su investigación en ELE”, Presented by Dr. Carlos de Pablos from East Anglia University (England), January 10, 2014, 10 hours.
- “Lingüística Cognitiva e investigación en ELE. Aplicaciones y propuestas para el aula”, presented by Dr. Reyes Llopis from Columbia University (New York), June 5-6, 2013, 10 hours.
- Atendee, webinar: "Lo que el tsunami digital no debería barrer", Difusión, April 8th 2020.
- Atendee, workshop: “Curso de alfabetización para inmigrantes”, ASILIM (Asociación para la integración lingüística del inmigrante en Madrid) February 23rd 2019, 7 hours.
- Online course: “Enseñar a pronunciar y entonar en ELE”, Universidad Nebrija, March 11-April 12, 2019, 25 hours.
- Online course: “Curso de Eteacher. Enseñanza de eLearning”, Universidad Nebrija, October 2018- February 2019, 8 ECTS (200 hours).
- Course: “Curso de formación de profesores de ELE”, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, February 1-26, 2010, 60 hours.
- Online Webinar: "LGBT+ Language in Use", UCU Scotland, 12 May 2022, 1,5 hours.
- Online Course: "Curso de sensibilización ante la diversidad sexual", Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal, July 2020, 7 hours.
- Online Course: “Queering identities LGBTQ+ Sexuality and Gender identity”, University of Colorado, June 2020, 30 hours.
- Online Seminar: “Non-binary realities in language” presented by Artemis López from Vigo University, May 13, 2020.
- Online Conference: "El tratamiento en a comunidad de habla LGTBI: Estrategias pragmalingüísticas" presented by Carles Navarro Carrascosa from The University of Valencia, May 22, 2020.
- Online Course: “Sexual Diversity and Identity and Expression of Gender in the Educational Scope”, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, December 2019- January 2020, 50 hours.
- Online Course: “Cultural Representations of Sexualities”, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, February 2017, 30 hours.
TRAINING AND ACREDITATION AS DELE EXAMINER (Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language)
DELE Examiner Acreditation Courses:
- Levels A1-A2. Cervantes Institute Budapest (Hungary), March - April 2020, 16 hours.
- Levels B1-B2. Cervantes Institute Stockholm (Sweden), April – May 2020, 16 hours.
- Levels C1-C2. Cervantes Institute Budapest (Hungary), May 2020, 16 hours.
- Attendee, I Congreso Anaya del Español: Motivación, mediación y aprendizaje. Un presente diverso hacia el español, ALCALINGUA, University of Alcalá (Madrid, Spain), 4-5 November 2022, 20 hours
- Online ELEUK 2021 Annual Conference. University of Edinburgh, Scotland, June 9-11, 2021.
- Online Webinar: “lo que el tsunami digital no debería barrer”, Editorial Difusión, April 8th 2021, 1.5 hours.
- I International Conference on Communication and LGTBQ+ Spaces (MariCorners 19). Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, April 10-12, 2019.
- XXXIII AESLA International Conference on Multimodal Communication in the 21st Century: Academic and Professional Challenges held at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, April 16-18, 2015.
- II International Conference on Applied Linguistics to Language Teaching: Towards Plurilingualism held at Nebrija University, Spain, June 26-28, 2014.
- I International Conference on Applied Linguistics to Language Teaching: Towards Plurilingualism held at Nebrija University, Spain, June 29-30, 2014.
- “Jornada Lengua y Migración”, Universidad Nebrija, Spain, November 16th 2016, 6.5 hours.
- “ELE Aula-Asia: el reto que suponen los estudiantes orientales al profesor de español”, Babylon Idiomas, Spain, November 23rd 2012, 7 hours.
- “Jornadas didácticas de Formación permanente para profesores de español: XXª Aula de español”, Universidad Nebrija, Spain, January 20th 2012, 10 hours.
- Lázaro H. (2022). "Homoparentalidad y pluralismo familiar en los manuales de ELE de nivel inicial" in López, E. et al. (eds.) Maricorners. Estudios interdisciplinares LGTBIAQ+.Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, pp. 263-284. Online in: []
- Lázaro, H. (2016). “Estrategias de respuesta al cumplido en universitarios españoles y japoneses”. Pragmalingüística, 24, pp.133-153. Online in []
- Lázaro, H. y Ramajo, A. (2015). “Compliment responses in Peninsular Spanish. Exploratory and contrastive study conducted on women from Madrid, Valencia, Catalonia, Andalusia and Castile-Leon”, Procedia-Social and Behavioural Science, pp.93-98. Online in []
- Lázaro, H. (2014). "El cumplido en la enseñanza de ELE". Actas del II Congreso Internacional en Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza de Lenguas: En camino hacia el plurilingüismo. Madrid: Universidad Nebrija, pp.347-356. Online in []