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Name Role Business unit(s)
Emily Cooper
Genevieve Cooper College Web Developer
Karen Cooper Research Assistant
Liz Cooper PhD Psychology
Misti Cooper Forest and Peatland Project Coordinator
Phoebe Cooper
Sophie Cooper PhD Student - History
Dr Susan Cooper Strategic Research Executive (Research Policy)
Eva Coral Almeida Research Assistant
Ailsa Corbishley Research Midwife
Dr Alexander Corbishley Senior Lecturer in Farm Animal Practice
Elvire Corboz Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Islam and Middle East
D Helen Corby Post Doctoral Research Fellow
Helen Corby
Prof Brendan Corcoran Personal Chair of Veterinary Cardiopulmonary Medicine
Stefano Coretta Lecturer
Janie Corley Research Fellow
Martin Corley Professor
Lisa Cormack Administrative Assistant
Raphael Cormack Oedipus on the Nile: Translations and Adaptations of Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannos in Egypt, 1900-1970