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Name Role Business unit(s)
Lesley Greer
Sarah Gregory
Sarah Gregory Research Fellow
Aiko Greig School Marketing Officer
Susan M Greig Digital Skills Trainer (Learning Technology)
Charlotte Gresham Junior E Learning Developer
Gurpreet Grewal-Kang BVM&S Head of Recruitment and Admissions
Dr Finn Grey Senior Research Fellow
Ann Greybe Senior Contracts Manager
Emily Gribbin Director of Professional Services
Devin Grier PhD Student - American History
Katie Grieve Data and Equality Officer
Mr Mike Grieve Student Relationship Manager
Paula Grieve Research Finance & Business Support Manager
Frances Griffin Place2Be Consultant/Trainer
Steffan Griffin (PhD student)
David Griffith Reader
Fiona Griffiths Administrative Assistant
Dr. Helen Griffiths Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology
Meaghan Griffiths EXPPECT Research Fellow