Su Goopy (PhD. GradCertHighEd.)

PGT Research Manager

  • Usher Institute
  • College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine

Contact details



Teaching Organisation
Usher Institute, Usher Building
The University of Edinburgh
5-7 Little France Road
Edinburgh BioQuarter ‒ Gate 3

Post code
EH16 4UX


  • I am available Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 0900 - 1700


I have a PhD in anthropology and a strong interest health related research. Originally from Australia, I spent my youth there and then, like many Australians set out to discover the world beyond our shores.   I joined Edinburgh in 2020. I have more than 25 years’ experience in research and teaching in the  Australia, Canada, Taiwan, Japan, Italy and Scotland. 


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Responsibilities & affiliations

Lead - Usher Master's Research Ethics Group (UMREG)

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Research summary

My program of study is influenced by my experiences as an anthropologist, social scientist, and registered nurse. My work is informed by an overarching social justice lens. My research presently includes three major foci. First, I am studying migration experiences across different groups (i.e., migrants and refugees – broadly referred to hereafter as newcomers, with an emphasis on integration and wellbeing as experienced in the everyday). Second, my research emphasises third sector and governmental partnerships, and health care delivery and experiences across geographical and cultural regions;Third,  I explore ways to facilitate knowledge translation and mobilisation both within and outside of the classroom. This scholarship has important implications for education, practice, research, and policy. 

Current research interests

Well-being, health, social justice, and integration experiences of Newcomers (migrants and refugees) with a focus on Canada. Health, well-being, and the built environment. Professional practice and service access. Systematic Reviews (esp. qualitative) Please refer to CV for details on publications and grants.

Knowledge exchange

Peer Reviewed Articles Published / In Press 2020-21

  1. Pitt, T.M., Aucoin, J., HubkaRao, T. Goopy, S., Cabaj, J., Hagel, B., McCormack, G.R. (2021). The Relationship of Urban Form on Children and Adolescent Health Outcomes: A Scoping Review of Canadian Evidence. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public health. 18(8), 4180; doi:10.3390/ijerph18084180
  2. Turin, T.C., Chowdhury, N., Ekpekurede, M., Lake, D., Lasker, M., O’Brien, M. & Goopy, S. (2021) Professional integration of immigrant medical professionals through alternative career pathways: A scan to synthesize the current landscape, Human Resources for Health. 19, 51 doi 10.1186/s12960-021-00599-8
  3. Turin TC, Chowdhury N, Ekpekurede M, Lake D, O'Brien M, & Goopy S.(2021) Alternative career pathways for International Medical Graduates towards job market integration: A rapid review towards synthesizing the opportunities and challenges. International Journal of Medical Education. 12:45-63; doi: 10.5116/ijme.606a.e83d
  4. Cohen, J.A., Kassan, A., Wada, K., Arthur, N., & Goopy, S. (2021) Enhancing multicultural and social justice competencies in Canadian counselling psychology training, Canadian Psychology / Psychologie canadienne.
  5. Au, A., Silversides, H., Suva, C., Palova, K., & Goopy, S. (2021) “Language alludes to everything”: A pilot study on front-line worker experience with newcomer integration, Journal of Student Research. 10,1: 1-11
  6. Chowdhury, N., Naeem, I., Ferdous, M., Chowdhury, M.,  Goopy, S.,  Rumana, N. & Turin, T.C. (2021) Unmet Healthcare Needs Among Migrant Populations in Canada: Exploring the Research Landscape Through a Systematic Integrative Review, Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 23:353-372.
  7. Lin, S., Chen, S., Lin, C., Goopy, S., Wang, L., & Han, C. (2021) Experiences of scope of practice of Taiwanese Nurse Practioners, The Journal of Nurse Practitioners. 17, 209-213.
  8. Goopy, S., Suva, C., Hayden, KA., Silversides, H., & Palova, K. (2020) Activities and programmes that support the emotional wellness and well-being of refugees, immigrants, and other newcomers within settlement agencies: a scoping review protocol, BMJOpen, 1- 7. doi: bmjopen.2019-033377
  9. Ferdous, M., Goopy, S., Yang, H., Rumana, N., Abedin, T. & Turin, T.C. (2020) Barriers to Breast Cancer Screening Among Immigrant Populations in Canada. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 22, 410-420
  10. Naeem, I., Nurul, A.K.M.N., Vaska, M., Goopy, S., Rashid, R., Kassan, A., Aghajafari, F., Ferrer, I., Kazi, A., Sadi, I., O’Brien, M., Ludec, C., & Turin, T.C. (2020) Community-based Health Data Cooperatives Towards Improving the Immigrant Community Health: A Scoping Review to Inform Policy and Practice International Journal of Population Data Science,  5, 1-23.

Affiliated research centres

Current project grants

Insight Grant 2021 – 2024
Newcomer Youth and School Integration: An Arts-Based Engagement Ethnography in the French and English Public System
Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) - Canada

Partnership Development Grant 2021 – 2023
Enhancing newcomer resettlement through a community engaged knowledge mobilization hub
Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) - Canada

Partnership Engage Grants COVID-19 Special Initiative 2020 – 2021
COVID-19. Identifying mental wellness needs for racial/ethnic minority factory workers during and post- public health emergencies: to inform COVID-19 response
Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) - Canada

Insight Development Grant 2020 – 2024
STILL LIFE: A Slice of Life
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) - Canada

Foundation Grant 2017 – 2022
Neighbourhood Design and Physical Activity: Generating Evidence to Inform Healthy Public Policies.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) - Canada

My research and teaching have developed in tandem over the years – both are grounded in social justice perspectives and the importance of multiple ways of knowing, thinking about, and responding to issues. I have extensive experience of interdisciplinary research and project work focused on health and wellbeing as experienced across different groups (especially newcomers – migrants and refugees – in Canada), the influence of the built environment on health and well-being, and professional practice and service delivery and access. I am especially interested in third-sector and governmental partnerships, professional and clinical practice, and service provision and access with an emphasis on knowledge translation and mobilisation. 

As a teacher I am guided by a social justice perspective that values multiple ways of knowing, diverse teaching methods, student empowerment, and transformational learning experiences. I strive to work collaboratively with students to help them develop critical thinking, achieve academic excellence, and realise meaningful professional development.

I have supervised Masters and Doctor of Philosophy candidates to completion and have examined a number of Masters, PhD and Honours theses and projects. The areas that I have supervised and examined for are broad and indicative of my interdisciplinary range of expertise. Candidates have come from within the Humanities and Social Sciences, Fine Arts, Medicine, Counselling Psychology and Education, Social Work, Environmental Design, International Health, and Nursing.