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Name Role Business unit(s)
Mariana West Global Alumni Networks Manager (on maternity leave)
Simon West
Richard West-Soley PhD Linguistics & English Language
Dr Matthew Weston Lecturer in Strength & Conditioning
Katherine Westwood (PhD student) Project title: Participation in inclusive extracurricular activities constructed by the perspectives of children with disabilities
Lorna Westwood PhD Student
Giovanna Weykopf
Alex Whalen PhD Philosophy
Professor Heather C Whalley Professor of Neuroscience and Mental Health
Archie Whatley Computing Officer
Adam Wheavil Applications Support Analyst
Andrena Wheelaghan-Duff RKEI Office: Senior Research Support Officer
Melanie Wheeldon Research Technician
Christopher Wheeler
Robert Whelan
Lucy Whitaker Senior Clinical Research Fellow and Honorary Consultant Gynaecologist
Christopher White Data Manager - Digitally Enabled Trials
Diane White SIDB Executive Assistant
Eleanor White
Dr John White Fermentation Facility Manager and 4P Support Technician