Dr Ashleigh McFeeters
Lecturer in Child Protection Administrative Data

- Institute for Education, Community and Society; Moray House School of Education and Sport
Contact details
- Email: a.mcfeeters@ed.ac.uk
- Street
Institute for Education, Community and Society,
Moray House School of Education and Sport. - City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
Currently, I am the Lecturer in Child Protection Administrative Data at the Institute for Education, Community and Society; Moray House School of Education and Sport; University of Edinburgh.
In 2023 I joined Childlight, University of Edinburgh, as the Policing Data Analyst (Global Data Fellow). In this role I was the focal point for law enforcement data relationships; and I was responsible for developing analyses and research with the ultimate goal of improving prevention and safeguarding for children from CSEA globally.
From 2021-2023, I was a Senior Researcher for the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry investigating historical sexual, physical and emotional abuse of looked-after children in Scotland.
Until 2021, I was an academic at Queen’s University Belfast, where I was the Convenor for the MA module “The Legacy of Conflict” and the undergraduate module “The Politics of Deeply Divided Societies.” I also taught on the MA module “Global Concepts of Conflict Transformation & Social Justice” in the School of Politics, International Studies & Philosophy; and the MA module “Counter-terrorism and Human Rights” in the School of Law. In addition, I was the Postdoctoral Research Fellow on the ESRC-funded project Apologies, Abuses and Dealing with the Past which examined the role of apologies and reparations for victims/survivors of historical institutional abuse in the Catholic Church; the Troubles; and the banking crisis; across the island of Ireland.
PhD, Sociology, pass with no corrections, Queen's University Belfast
MA Comparative Ethnic Conflict, Queen's University Belfast
BA (Hons) English Studies, Trinity College Dublin
Postgraduate teaching
Programme Director for MSc Child Protection Data Futures.
Course Organiser: International Child Protection Futures.
Course Co-organiser: Approaches to Administrative Data for Children; and Working with Big Data to Improve Children’s Safety and Wellbeing.
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?