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Name Role Business unit(s)
Emiliano Videla Rodriguez Post-doctoral Researcher
Niki Vielma Learning Technologist
Tillmann Vierkant Professor
Masa Vilfan Senior Clinical Training Scholar in Veterinary Clinical Pathology
Elisa Villalobos Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Ana Villaplana Velasco Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Flo Vincent Content Designer (Continuous Improvement)
Florence Vincent
Rose Vincent
Fiona Vine
Student Experience Manager (SWAY) Student Experience Manager (SWAY) - maternity cover
Dr Curie Virág Senior Research Fellow and Co-Project Director; Chinese Philosophy and Intellectual History
Julien Virlogeux Teaching Fellow in French
Prof Ludo Visschers Professor of Economics
Ms.Nivedita Viswanathan
Dr Veronique Vitart Group Leader
Nicolai Vitt Fourth year PhD student
Anna Vittinghoff
Elisa Vivaldi
Elisa Vivaldi Tutor in Italian