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Name Role Business unit(s)
Chloe Stanton Postdoctoral Scientist
Sarah Stanton Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
Christopher Stapenhurst Third year PhD Student
Charlotte Stapley Publications Officer
Lesley Stark Reader - Cell Signalling
Miss Flo Stark Simpson Emergency and Critical Care Veterinary Nurse
Daria Starybrat Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care
Dr Spyros Stathopoulos
Michael Stawpert Research Support Assistant
Gillian Stead Administrative Assistant
Sarah Stedman
Dr Abigail Steed College Research Support Officer
George Steedman Senior Mechanical Engineer
Chad M.S. Steel Research Student
Melissa Steel
Robby Steel (EdD student) Research Student
Jenny Steele PhD Linguistics & English Language
April Steffeck (PhD student)
Jeremy Steffman Lecturer
Ashley Stein Learning and Teaching Enhancement Administrator