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Name Role Business unit(s)
Chienwei Pan
Ioannis (John) Panagiotou
Dr Corinna Panagou Clinical Fellow in Psychological Therapies
Kalyani Pandya
Giovanni Panella Postgraduate Administrator
Dr Hem Paneru
Ravinder Panesar Student Induction Manager
Dr Lisa Pang Research Fellow
Tiffany Pang PhD Linguistics & English Language
Yiwen Pang
Kelly Panichnantakul
Nunticha Pankaew Post-doctoral Scientist
Nunticha Pankaew PhD - Infection and Immunity
Elizabeth Pankratz PhD Linguistics & English Language
Dr Nataša Pantić Professor in Educational Change and Diversity
Holly Pantidos Curriculum Quality and Transformation Lead
Fernando Pantoja Nunez
Katerina Pantoula PhD Linguistics & English Language
Eleni Papachristoforou
Valsamis Paraskevopoulos Technology Support Officer