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Name Role Business unit(s)
Dr Robert Leighton Senior Lecturer
Katie Leith CEP (Clinical Educator Programme) Administrator
Emily Lekkas Business Development Manager - Bayes Centre
Jaroslaw R. Lelonkiewicz PhD Psychology
Dr Aliénor (Lili) Lemieux-Cumberlege Career Development Fellow
Lea Lemler
Elizabeth Lemmon Lecturer
Jorge Lemos Portela PhD Student
Simone Lenci (Simo)
Julia Lenders
Patrick Lennard MSC
Ross Lennen MRI Research Associate
Mr Callum Lennie Operations Senior Administrator
Christine Lennie Head of Student Support
Naomi Lennox School Management Executive Coordinator – Operations
Martina Leo Quality Assurance and Governance Officer
Leong Sio Pan
Saverio Leopardi How did the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) passed through the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon and how did the PFLP act until the Al-Aqsa Intifada
Hannah Lepper Research Fellow in Mathematical Modelling
Tieghan LeRoy Stores Assistant