Louie Van De Lagemaat |
Bioinformatician, University of Aberdeen, collaborating with University of Edinburgh, Little France campus |
Gerlinde Van de Walle |
Professor and Chair of Veterinary Pathobiology |
Elise van der Heijden |
Post-Doctoral Researcher |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
- The Roslin Institute
Jolene Van Der Mescht |
PhD Psychology |
Sarah Van Eyndhoven |
PhD Linguistics & English Language |
Marlou Van gendt |
Gabi van Stralen |
Claudia Van Zadelhoff |
Combined Internship/Residency in Equine Diagnostic Imaging |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
- Diagnostic Imaging
Elizabeth Vander Meer |
Research & Policy Manager (Climate Resilience and Biodiversity) |
- Social Responsibility and Sustainability
Willem Vanderlinden |
Reader in Experimental Biophysics |
Anna Vaninskaya |
Professor of Literary and Cultural History |
- English Literature
- School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Mate Varadi |
Technology Enhanced Learning Manager |
Deepa Varghese |
Elizabeth Varghese |
Clinical Trials Statistician |
- Usher Institute
- Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit
Ms Katarina Varjonen |
Lecturer in Veterinary Dermatology |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Jai Varma |
Veterinary Nurse - Ward Based |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
- Hospital for Small Animals
Dr Jessica Varsallona |
British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow |
Lorna Vas |
PA to Prof Mark Parsons |
Elias Vasiloudes Nikolaides |
Edinbrugh College of Art Undergraduate Representative |
- https://eliasvasiloudes.com/
Mrs Deepali Vasoya |
Bioinformatician |
- The Roslin Institute
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies