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Name Role Business unit(s)
Alice Thompson Lecturer
Doug Thompson International Recruitment Manager (Europe)
Dr Gerry Thompson Senior Clinical Lecturer in Radiology
Jackie Thompson Marketing and Communications Manager
Jessica Thompson Research Midwife
Joanne Thompson
Lorna Thompson Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society Administrator | Personal Assistant to Professor Devi Sridhar
Madeleine Thompson Network Manager
Naomi Thompson Bio-Imaging & Flow Cytometry Technician
Miss Paula Thompson Equine Head Nurse
Bjarne Thorup Thomsen Honorary Fellow
Helene Thomsen Senior Administrator - English Literature
Abbi Thomson Programme Administrator
Adrian Thomson Preclinical Imaging Research Associate
Alex Thomson Professor of Modern Literature and Critical Theory
Alice Thomson PhD Student/ Assistant Psychologist
Andrew Thomson Poultry Technician
Clare Thomson (PhD student)
Colin Thomson Teaching Fellow in Sport Management & Sport Development
Ella Thomson Postdoctoral Research Associate