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Name Role Business unit(s)
Dr Joan O'Donovan Honorary Fellow
Professor Oliver O'Donovan Professor Emeritus, Christian Ethics and Practical Theology
Mrs Bridget O'Farrell Lecturer in Small Animal Shelter Medicine
Roisin O'Fee Head of Student and Academic Services
Doctor Niall O'Gallagher Gaelic Writer in Residence
Declan O'Gara PhD Philosophy
Cathleen O'Grady PhD Linguistics & English Language
Conor O'Halloran Resident in Small Animal Internal Medicine and DVetMed Postgraduate Student
Dr Fiona O'Hanlon Director of Ethics / Senior Lecturer in Language Education
Niamh O'Loughlin Honour Student
Tony O'Loughlin Lecturer in Farm Animal Practice
Elzbieta O'Neill Analyst Developer - Student Systems Partnership
Rachel O'Neill Deaf education pathway co-ordinator
Sandra O'Neill Training Services Coordinator and Teacher
Mr Michael O'Reilly School Marketing Officer
Derek O'Riordan (PhD student)
Dr Donncha O'Rourke Senior Lecturer; Classics
Dr. Suzanne O'Rourke Senior Lecturer in Forensic Clinical Psychology
Clara O'Shea Teaching Fellow
Dr Marie O'Shea Research Fellow