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Sebastiano Bertolini PhD Student
Lujain Beruwien
María Besomi
Cameron Best
Nadine Bestard-Cuche Research Assistant in Bioinformatics
Luca Bevacqua PhD Linguistics & English Language
Imogen Bevan
Casey Bevens PhD Psychology
Gayle Beveridge Trial Manager
Lauren Bevis Registered Veterinary Nurse
Cammy Beyts Research Fellow
Dr Youngjune Bhak Fellow in Quantitative Genetics and Genomics
Dr Ramya Bhatia Senior Research Fellow
Naiti Sanjiv Bhatt PhD Psychology
Vivek Bhatt
Devanjan Bhattacharya Teaching Fellow in Earth Observation, Academic Cohort Lead (DSTI Programme) at The Bayes Centre
Dr Sourit Bhattacharya (on research leave) Lecturer in Global Anglophone Literatures
Dr Benjamin N. Bhawal Chancellor's Fellow
Malavika Bhide Postdoctoral Research Associate
Raj Bhopal Emeritus Professor of Public Health