Sebastiano Bertolini
PhD Student
I was born in Reggio nell'Emilia, Italy, where I studied Greek and Latin language at the High School (Liceo Classico Ariosto). I took my BA (20011) and MA (2013) degrees in Classics at the Università di Bologna, where I have attended also the Collegio Superiore, one of the Italian Superior Graduate Schools. I have spent three months at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris (Visiting-Student bursary, 2011), and a Semester at the Seminar für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie in Freiburg (Erasmus Traineeship grant, 2016).
Undergraduate teaching
University of Edinburgh - Tutor
A.y. 2014/2015
Greek 1A-1Ha/ Greek 1B -1HB / The Greek World 1A / The Greek World 1B
A.y. 2015/2016
Greek 1C-2A / Greek 1B-1Hb / The Greek World 1A / Greek 1D-2B
Research summary
My main interest is Greek poetry, with a specific focus on Parodic Poetry, the topic of my PhD dissertation. I am now woriking on a new critical edition (with translation and commentary) of the most important fragments of this poetic genre. I am interested also in Greek Lyric (especially Sappho, Archilochus and Hipponax) and Greek Comedy.