Kadi Vaher |
Postdoctoral scientist |
Martina Vajsova |
Senior Contracts Manager |
- Edinburgh Research Office
- Edinburgh Research Office Blog
Maria Val Fernandez |
Solicitor, Contracts Manager |
Evi Valavani |
PhD Student |
Dr Maria Valdes Hernandez |
Row Fogo Lecturer in Medical Image Analysis |
- Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
- Edinburgh Imaging
Dr Claire Valentin |
Honorary Fellow |
- Moray House School of Education and Sport
Adriana Vallejo-Trujillo |
Research Associate in Whole Genome Sequence Analysis |
Dr Catalina Vallejos |
Chancellor's Fellow |
Mahéva Vallet |
Senior Research Manager |
- Edinburgh Cancer Informatics
Shannon Vallor |
Professor |
- Edinburgh Futures Institute
- Philosophy
- Centre for Technomoral Futures
Dr Tereza Eva Valny |
Lecturer |
- School of History, Classics and Archaeology
Serena Valori |
HR Administrative Assistant |
Theresa Valtin |
Marketing & Communications Manager |
Ailsa Vamplew |
Admissions Operations Manager |
Edwin van Beek |
SINAPSE Chair of Clinical Radiology |
Dr Jenny van Bekkum |
Daphne Jackson Research Fellow |
Linda Van Bergen |
Lecturer |
Gary Van Breda |
Analyst Developer |
Bram van Bunnik |
Core Scientist - Quantitative Predictive Epidemiology |
- Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
- The Roslin Institute
Elaine van Dalen |
Teaching Fellow Islamic History |