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Name Role Business unit(s)
Prof Eddie Clutton Personal Chair of Veterinary Anaesthesiology
Philip Coan Research Fellow
David Coates
Ms Francesca Coates BVM&S Student Recruitment Officer
Miss Helen Cobb Veterinary Dermatology Nurse
CJ Cochran Alumni Manager, Schools & Colleges
Claire Cochran Trial Manager
Miss Nicola Cochrane Veterinary Nurse - Emergency and Critical Care (ECC)
Ellie Cockram Research Grants Support Officer
Laura Cockram Head of Engagement and Communications
Dr Sarah Cockram Honorary Fellow
Professor Scott L. Cockroft Personal Chair of Supramolecular Chemistry
Dorothy Coe Senior Teaching Fellow in Primary Education
Rafael Augusto Coelho Do Nascimento PhD Philosophy
Leonardo Cofre Perez
Professor Frank Cogliano Professor of American History
Alix Cohen Professor
Shalhavit-Simcha Cohen
Edward Coker
Juli Colaianni Learning Technologist