Lorraine Close (MSc, AFHEA, Dip TN, Churchill Fellow, RN, QN)
Lecturer in Nursing Studies

- Nursing Studies
- Edinburgh Medical School
- Edinburgh Community Yoga
Contact details
- Email: lorraine.close@ed.ac.uk
- Street
School of Health in Social Science
Old Medical School
Teviot Place - City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH8 9AG
I am a Lecturer is Nursing Studies, with a current focus on clinical skills and simulation in pre registration Nursing. My specific interests are in Simulation Based Education, student and NHS wellbeing, Widening Participation and Health Inequality in Scotland.
I am a nurse by background with clinical experience working in acute medicine, neurosurgery, prison nursing and travel health. After several years of travelling and living and working as a nurse in India I completed a Diploma in Tropical Nursing at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
I run a social enterprise called Edinburgh Community Yoga focussed on offering wellbeing practices to marginalised groups in Edinburgh who experience health inequality ,working in prisons, psychiatric hospitals and on social prescribing programmes in 'Deep End' Areas of the city and specialise in trauma informed yoga programming for people with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) and in addiction recovery.
I am a Queens Nurse, currently completing a 9 month Leadership Programme with the Queens Nurses Institute Scotland. I am also a 2019 Churchill Fellow and completed my fellowship studying Yoga Not for Profit in Kenya, the USA and Canada.
MSc by Research (Nursing)
BSc (Hons) Nursing
ILS Instructor
Diploma in Tropical Nursing
Registered Yoga Teacher (200 hours)
TC-TSY facilitator (300 hours)
Responsibilities & affiliations
Outreach Director, Edinburgh Community Yoga
Research summary
I am passionate about research in relation to inequity in health and education, social prescribing, widening participation and addiction and trauma recovery. I am interested in research that bridges the gap between human experience and academia and that draws on the lived experience to support and inform policy and social change.
Current research interests
My current research interests are exploring the impact of Yoga Programmes on military veterans Social Prescribing and Health inequality in relation to socio-economics and 'deep- end' practices Health care student wellbeing Exploring the impact of embodied and relationship focussed programmes on trauma recovery for women.Past research interests
Exploring the experiences of medical students on clinical attachments Perceptions of the mental wellbeing of FY1s (MSc research) Responsibilisation and power dynamics in Health Care and staff wellbeing Nursing and Medical Students wellbeing, empathy and communication skills Inter professional Education and Simulation Based EducationConference details